Working with Groups and Departments

The Groups screen displays the group name and home site for all groups in the site you specify with the Site Filter field. An asterisk (*) next to the name of a group indicates that it is a department. Two asterisks (**) next to the name of a group indicates that it is a subdepartment.

If you have the View Users and Groups permission, the View All Groups checkbox at the bottom left of the page is enabled. Otherwise, it is disabled. When View All Groups is checked, you can view all groups in the selected site, not just groups that you manage. System administrators always view all groups, so the View All Groups checkbox is disabled for them.

Vocera groups organize users into roles such as Floor Manager, Cashier, Nurse, Cardiologist, Executive, and so forth. Groups provide different features to different members of an organization:

Group membership can change over time, and in some environments it can change frequently. A user can be a member of multiple groups at the same time. An administrator can add and remove group members either with voice commands or through the Administration Console. Users can remove themselves from groups, and if you enable the proper permission, they can add themselves or other users to groups.