Adding or Editing a Text Reminder

You can use the Reminders page to add a text reminder.

To add a text reminder:

  1. Click Reminders link in the left navigation bar. The Reminders page appears.
  2. Click Add Reminders to display the Add Reminders page
  3. Click the Select Recipients button to display the Select User or Group dialog box.
    To select multiple names, hold down the Ctrl key while you click your selections. You can also use the Search to find a user group..
    Note: Your system administrator is responsible for assigning permissions required to add or edit text reminders for other recipients or groups. If you don't have these permissions, you can only add or edit reminders for yourself.
  4. (Optional) If you accidentally selected multiple recipients and you want to remove a recipient from the list, select the name of recipient or Group and click the Delete button.
  5. Enter up to 115 characters long text in the Message field.
  6. Choose a type of reminder, Recurring or Non Recurring.
    • If you chose Recurring, enter a Start Date and End Date as well as a Start Time and End Time.
    • If you chose Non Recurring, enter a Start Date and Time.

    Dates must be entered in the default format set for your system and Time must be entered in Hour Minute AM/PM format.

  7. Select a recurrence pattern from the Frequency drop down list.
    You can choose one of the following recurrence patterns: Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
  8. Click Send button to send or save your text reminder.