How to Invite a User

Send new users an email that invites them to register and begin using one of the VST clients.

To invite a new user to begin working with VST:

  1. From any page in the VST Administration Console, select Admin > Manage Users from the menu on the top right.

    The Find Users page appears.

  2. Select the Invite Users link at the top of the Find Users page.

    The Invite Users page appears.

  3. Do either of the following:
    • Enter the email address of the user you want to invite in the Email Addresses field. You can enter multiple addresses by separating them with spaces or carriage returns.

    • Click Choose File and navigate to a file containing a list of user email addresses in CSV (comma-separated value) format.

      If you choose the CSV option, download the sample file and use it as a template. Values in the Email field of the template are required and are imported as email addresses; values in the Department field are optional and are imported as groups; values in the other fields are optional and for your reference only.

  4. Select Invite.

    The system displays the following message in a teal banner when the request is complete: "Invitations have been sent successfully."

    If any email address is not formatted according to Internet standards, the VST Administration Consolewill display an error message and abort the entire operation.

    If any values were specified in the Department column, the system creates groups with those names.

After the user accepts the invitation and registers, a user account is created. You can view the user account as described in How to Update a User Profile.

If the invited user is an administrator, the administration account is not associated with a practice or organization until the user registers.