How to Delete an Invitation

If a user has not yet accepted an invitation, you can delete it to prevent the user from joining your organization. For example, you can delete a Pending invitation that was unintentionally sent to the wrong email address. If a user is already registered, deleting the invitation only removes it from the display. For example, you may want to delete invitations whose status is Registered, because they require no further action on your part.

To delete a VST invitation:

  1. From any page in the VST Administration Console, select Admin > Manage Users from the menu on the top right.

    The Find Users page appears.

  2. Select the Invitations link at the top of the Find Users page.

    The Invitations page appears and displays the status of each invitation you have sent.

  3. Select the check box to the right of each user whose invitation you want to delete, or choose the check box in the title row to select all displayed users.
  4. Use the control next to Selected to choose the Delete action.
  5. Click the arrow to the right of the Selected: Delete control.

    A dialog box appears and asks you to confirm your action.

  6. Click Delete.
    The list of users on the Invitations page refreshes, and the selected users are removed. If any of the users have not yet registered, the VST server now prevents them from accepting the invitation.