Create Practice Page Reference

The Create Practice page allows you to specify basic information about the practice and then save it.

Table 1. Practice Details
Field Description
Practice Name The name of the affiliated organization.
Office Number

Enter the main contact number for the organization, optionally using parentheses and dashes for formatting. A third-party provider used by Vocera assigns a Voice Number based on the area code that you entered.

If the Office Number has a toll-free area code, a Voice Number is not created. In this situation, use a conventional area code for the Office Number, save the organization, and let the third-party provider assign a number in that area code. The Practice Administrator can then optionally update the Office Number to use the toll-free area code and save the organization again.

Table 2. Practice VST Administrator
Field Description
First Name The first name (given name) of the person who administers the affiliated organization.
Last Name The last name (family name) of the person who administers the affiliated organization.
Email Address The email address of the person who administers the affiliated organization. You must specify the email address of a new, unregistered user.
Table 3. Initial Standard Users
Field Description
Email Addresses Enter a list of email addresses for the users you want to invite, separating them with spaces or carriage returns.
Download Sample CSV Opens Windows Explorer and lets you navigate to a directory where you can download a sample CSV file showing the proper formatting for a bulk invitation of users.
Choose File Opens Windows Explorer and lets you navigate to CSV file specifying the email addresses and names of users to upload.