Opening Ports for Communication

If a firewall separates Vocera servers from the wireless network, make sure the following ports are open for communication.

Table 1. WLAN Ports Used by Vocera Clients
Client Direction Server / Client Type Protocol Ports
Badge Inbound/Outbound VS Signaling UDP 5002
Badge Inbound VS Audio UDP / TCP 7500-8700
Badge Inbound/Outbound Badge/VS/VSTG Audio UDP 5200
Badge Inbound VSTG Audio UDP 5300-5555
Badge Inbound/Outbound Updater Signaling UDP 5400
Badge Inbound/Outbound VS Discovery UDP 5555 & 5556
Badge Inbound/Outbound VS Connection TCP

5555 & 5556 1

Badge Inbound VCG Audio UDP

6300-6555 2

Badge Inbound VS Audio UDP 7500-8700
Vocera Collaboration Suite for Android and iPhone Inbound VMP Signaling (Data) TCP

80 or 8080 (for NIO)

Vocera Collaboration Suite for Android and iPhone Inbound/Outbound VCG Signaling UDP

5060, 5888-5889

Vocera Collaboration Suite for Android Inbound/Outbound Vocera Devices Audio UDP


VMIClients Inbound/Outbound VS Connection TCP


VAI Clients (includes Staff Assignment) Inbound/Outbound VS Connection TCP


Vocera Collaboration Suite for Android and iPhone Inbound VS Signaling TCP 8080