Specifying the Companding Algorithm (mu-law or a-law)

By default, the Vocera SIP Telephony Gateway uses the G.711 mu-law companding algorithm, a standard for converting analog data into digital form using pulse code modulation in North America and Japan. For European locales, you can switch to the G.711 a-law companding algorithm by specifying the following property:

VTGUseALaw = true

For outbound traffic, Vocera SIP Telephony Gateway uses the audio codec specified by the VTGUseALaw property for negotiation with the IP PBX, and then it adjusts to the codec that the IP PBX offers. If VTGUseALaw is set to FALSE (the default), G.711 mu-law is used. Otherwise, G.711 a-law is used.

For inbound traffic, Vocera SIP Telephony Gateway converts the audio to G.711 mu-law codec before sending it to the Vocera Server.

Note: Although there is a VCGUseALaw property for Vocera Client Gateway, you should not change its default setting from False to True. The Vocera Server, smartphone, and badge all use G.711 mu-law.