
The calls table stores data about calls placed and received through the Vocera system. This table has a primary key based on the TxMillis column.

Table 1. calls table
Column Description

bigint(15) unsigned NOT NULL default '0'

The TxMillis column gives each row in the table a unique identifier. The value represents the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 (a date specified for internal use by the report system). Because of the uniqueness constraint, it may not reflect the exact actual date and time of the event. See TxDateTime.


datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00'

The TxDateTime column stores the date and time of the event, accurate to the second.


date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00'

The TxDate column stores the date of an event, accurate to the day.


varchar(20) NOT NULL default ''

The UserType column specifies which type of user initiated the call. Example values: User, Phone


varchar(70) default NULL

The UserID column specifies the user ID of the person who initiated the call. When the UserType value is User, this value corresponds to a User ID specified via the Administration Console or the User Console on the Vocera Voice Server. When the UserType value is Phone, this value is the literal string __PHONE__.


varchar(50) default NULL

In a multi-site installation, the UserSite column specifies the Vocera site with which the calling party is associated. In a single-site installation, this value is null.


varchar(10) NOT NULL default ''

The CalledType column specifies which type of user was the called party. Example values: User, Group, Phone


varchar(40) NOT NULL default ''

The Called column specifies the User ID, Group Name, or Phone Number of the called party, depending on the CalledType value.


varchar(100) default NULL

The CalledName column specifies the name of the called party, if the CalledType is User. If the CalledType is Group or Phone, the value is null.


varchar(50) default NULL

In a multi-site installation, the CalledSite column specifies the Vocera site with which the called party is associated. In a single-site installation, this value is null.


int(1) NOT NULL default '0'

The Accepted column specifies whether a call was accepted by the called party. The value is 1 if the call was accepted; otherwise, the value is 0.


varchar(10) default NULL

The AcceptedByType column specifies which type of user accepted a call. If a call was not accepted, this value is null. Example values: User, Phone


varchar(40) default NULL

The AcceptedBy column specifies the User ID or Phone Number of the party who accepted a call, depending on the value of the AcceptedByType column.


varchar(100) default NULL

The AcceptedByName column specifies the User Name of the party who accepted a call, if the AcceptedBy value is a User ID. If the value of AcceptedBy is a Phone Number or the literal string value __NONE__, AcceptedByName is null.


varchar(50) default NULL

In a multi-site installation, the AcceptedeBySite column specifies the Vocera site with which the accepting party is associated. In a single-site installation, this value is null.


varchar(64) default NULL

Device type that initiates a call. Possible values: B1000, B1000A, B2000, B3000, MC70, and Smartphone. If you have deployed Vocera Connect, other possible values are Cisco, Apple, and Android.


bigint(15) unsigned NOT NULL default '0'

The Duration column specifies the duration of the call in seconds.


bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0'

The IdCall column identifies a call placed or received through the Vocera system. However, this value is not guaranteed to be unique. Any given call could have the same IdCall value as another call that took place earlier or later. One way to distinguish calls is to compare values in the TXDateTime column.


bigint(10) NOT NULL default '0'

The IdGenie column identifies a Genie session. A single Genie session may comprise several events. For example, a Genie session for a badge-to-badge call may include the "Vocera" prompt played on the calling party's badge and the "Can you talk to ..." prompt played on the called party's badge.

In the table, rows for events in the same Genie session have the same value in the IdGenie column. However, this value is not guaranteed to be unique. Any given Genie session could have the same IdGenie value as another Genie session that took place earlier or later. One way to distinguish Genie sessions is to compare values in the TxMillis column.