Data - Badge Last Used Report

The Data - Badge Last Used report exports a CSV file containing information about when devices were last used. It can help you find devices that have been placed into service with the Vocera Voice Server but are now lost or unaccounted for. The following table describes the report columns.

Table 1. Data - Badge Last Used report
Column Description
SiteName Vocera site where the device is located.
Department Department of the user who last used the device.
BadgeMACAddr MAC address of the device.
SerialNo Device serial number.
UserName User who last used the device.
MaxDateTime Date and time the device was last used, accurate to the second.
DaysSinceUsed Number of days since the device was last used.
LastLocation Location where the device was last used. Includes the MAC address of the access point and the name—if available—of the location.
CostCenters Cost centers of the user who last used the device.