Unit Group Role Normalizer Example

This example steps through each section of a Vocera Group Role Normalizer to examine how it processes an input group and transforms it into the desired normalized output.

This example uses the input template, sample input group, and desired normalized output shown in the following table. Notice that the input template allows a role such as Nurse; however, this value must be transformed to RN in the normalized output.

Element Value

Input Template

{Room} {$Room#([100‑199],1,3)} {Bed} {$Bed#([1-2],0,1)} {$Role(1,3)}

Input Group

Room 1 0 3 Bed 2 Nurse

Normalized Output


The following illustration provides an example of a normalizer that can accept an input template and input group such as those shown in the above table and provide normalized output in the desired format for storage in the CTS roles table.

Each <entry/> element in this normalizer allows a $Role variable from the template (defined by the <input> element) whose value is filtered by a very specific name (defined in each <pattern> element): one of PCA, Nurse, or LPN.

Since our sample input role Nurse meets this criterion, the second <entry/> element processes it. In this situation, however, the output format specified within the <entry/> element is <format>RN</format>, transforming the output for the roles table in the database to the normalized value RN.

Note: If the normalized value Nurse is desired, you can define the <format/> element as $role or simply Nurse.

The normalizer in the above graphic also illustrates "pass through" values—that is, values that are input to the normalizer and passed through as output without any modification. The first and last <entry/> elements in the graphic allow a specific <pattern/> string and pass the same string through as unmodified output in the <format/> element.