Warnings / Contraindications / Precautions

Warning: If you are using this product in the U.S.A., federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician. This system is to be used by trained medical personnel only.
Warning: Electrostatic Discharges and certain Electromagnetic fields might adversely affect the functioning of the handheld device. Be aware of your surroundings when operating handheld devices. If it is determined that the use of a particular device in its normal data mode can cause or be susceptible to harmful electromagnetic interference or electrostatic discharge, change the device on which Vocera Alarm Management is deployed.
Warning: Vocera Alarm Management is a SECONDARY notification system. This does not reduce the need for primary monitoring on either the patient monitors or at the central stations.
Warning: Vocera Alarm Management is only as reliable as your wireless network. Consult your hospital's Information Technology personnel for planning against network issues that might impede proper functioning of the Vocera Alarm Management system. If sufficient network coverage is not available, STOP use of the Vocera Alarm Management system.
Warning: Do NOT update or change the firmware or system software on the handheld without prior permission from your hospital Information Systems personnel. Change in system firmware may make the Vocera Alarm Management system inoperable.
Warning: If the system is used through the cellular data network, the data connection might be intermittent or the latency very high. This is outside the control of Vocera. Use other means of communication if network latency is high.
Warning: Operating this equipment in environments with high electromagnetic radiation might cause noise on the display.
Warning: Vocera does not recommend the use of Vocera Alarm Management through the cell phone network when in clinical care areas. Follow your hospital’s guidelines and policies regarding the use of cellular devices in clinical areas.

Fully qualified personnel should install, maintain, troubleshoot, calibrate, and repair the system.

DO NOT use a malfunctioning Vocera Alarm Management system.