SSL Configuration for Analytics

To configure Vocera Alarm Analytics for SSL, you must change its configuration as described in these steps.

Note: Your IIS settings must be updated to provide SSL support.
  1. In the folder in which you have installed Vocera Alarm Analytics, go to the Vocera Analytics/VAAConfiguration subfolder, and open the file web.config.
  2. In the Configuration/AppSettings section, locate the RestService tag, and replace http with https. Save the file.
  3. In the folder in which you have installed Vocera Alarm Analytics, go to the Vocera Analytics/AnalyticsDashBoard subfolder, and open the file web.config.
  4. In the Configuration/AppSettings section, locate the RestService tag, and replace http with https. Save the file.
  5. In the folder in which you have installed Vocera Alarm Analytics, go to the Vocera Analytics/VoceraDashboardRestAPI subfolder, and open the file web.config.
  6. In the Configuration/AppSettings section, locate the SSLEnabled tag, and set its value to True.
  7. In the configuration/system.serviceModel/bindings/webHttpBinding/binding section, change the security mode to Transport.
  8. In the configuration/system.serviceModel/bindings/basicHttpBinding/secureHttpBinding section, change the security mode to Transport. Save the file.
  9. In the folder in which you have installed Vocera Alarm Analytics, go to the Vocera Analytics/VoceraAnalyticsAdminRestAPI subfolder, and open the file web.config.
  10. In the configuration/system.serviceModel/bindings/basicHttpBinding/secureHttpBinding section, change the security mode to Transport. Save the file.