Engage Mobile for iOS

Release Notes - Version

Updated: July 20, 2021

About Engage Mobile

Engage™ Mobile is the smartphone application companion for Vocera Engage™, the next-generation patient alarm safety and event response platform. Engage Mobile provides a unique user experience optimized for the demands of healthcare delivery.

Vocera Engage can help you manage clinical alarms and alerts, in coordination with the Engage Mobile app. You can apply advanced rules within Engage to filter and rank patient events by urgency. The system then sends only actionable notifications, accompanied by relevant context about the patient, caregiver, and event, to the appropriate care team recipients. Care team members receive the messages on their Android or iOS device using Engage Mobile, Vocera Collaboration Suite, via desktop, Vocera Badge, or VoIP device.

Warning: Engage Mobile 5.X will not work properly without XMPP 3.X. Failure to install the correct versions will result in missed alarms and system failures.

What's New

Documentation for the most recent released version of Engage Mobile for iOS is available online in the iOS section of the documentation.

The rest of this section summarizes the new features in this release.

What's New in Engage Mobile for iOS 5.3.1

The Engage Mobile 5.3 solution provides the following new feature:

What's New in Engage Mobile for iOS 5.3.0

The Engage Mobile 5.3.0 solution provides the following new features:

What's Fixed

This section provides information about fixes and improvements made to the Engage Mobile product.

What's Fixed in the Engage Mobile 5.3.1 Release

The following issues are fixed in Engage Mobile 5.3.1:

What's Fixed in the Engage Mobile 5.3.0 Release

There were no issues to fix in this release.

Known Issues

This section provides information about known product defects and limitations in the current release.