Collecting Device Data

You need to collect device data to analyze issues encounted while using the Badge.

To collect device data using the Sendlogs utility:

To send logs perform the following steps:

  1. Choose one of the following options based on your device.
    • On a Badge, press and hold the Select button for about 10 seconds until the Sendlogs utility starts.
      Note: You can start Sendlogs when the device is on a call, but the call will be dropped.
    • On a Smartbadge, press and hold the DND button on the top of the Smartbadge for 3 seconds and release the DND button after first beep.

      The Smartbadge announces that message "Uploading badge diagnostic data, please wait.". After upload, Smartbadge announces that message "Badge diagnostic upload complete."

  2. The device connects directly to the Vocera Voice Server computer using a Vocera Voice Server unicast transmission.
  3. The device assembles a package of files into a single .tar.gz file and uploads it to the \vocera\logs\BadgeLogCollector\uploads directory on the host. If you have a Vocera Voice Server cluster, the logs may be located in any of the nodes identified in ServerIpAddr (not necessarily the active node). The format of the filename is DATETIME-USERNAME-BADGEMACudd.tar.gz.
    After uploading the device data (about a minute), the device restarts.
    Note: You can also launch the Sendlogs utility from the Badge configuration menu. After you display the configuration menu, choose APPS & TESTS > SENDLOGS.SH. For more information, refer to Using the Device Configuration Menu.