Basic Group Information

The Info page of the Add/Edit Group dialog box (or the corresponding fields in the data-loading template) lets you specify the group name, its telephone number, alternate names for the group and its members, behavior preferences, and scheduling information.

Table 1. Basic group information fields


Maximum Length


Group Name


The name must start with a letter or digit. It must contain only letters, digits, spaces, apostrophes ('), underscores (_), or dashes (-). No other characters are allowed.

By default, the speech recognition system uses the Group Name to recognize groups. If users refer to a group by something other than the Group Name, provide an Alternate Spoken Group Name.



Use the Site field to specify the group's home site. In the Add/Edit Group dialog box, click the Select button to open the Select Site dialog box, and then choose a name from the list and click Finish.

If your organization has multiple sites connected to the same Vocera Voice Server, choose the home site that represents the member's physical location. If the group's membership spans multiple sites, choose Global.

If your organization does not have multiple sites, accept the default Global setting.

Vocera Extension


(Optional) Enter a telephone extension number for the group in the Vocera Extension field.

Important: This number is a virtual extension, not an actual desk extension.

If the telephony integration option is installed, outside callers who dial the Vocera hunt number can connect to the group by entering the group extension at the Genie prompt, instead of saying the group name. Vocera extensions are not constrained by fixed-length numbers for your PBX. You can also enter DID numbers for Vocera extensions.



(Optional) Provide a pager number for the group in the Pager field.

You can configure Vocera to forward a group’s calls to this specified pager.

If you enter a value for this field, any user can issue the "Send a page" voice command to send a numeric page to this group.

Permission Only (not callable)


(Optional) Select the checkbox to disable calling and broadcasting to a group. If you check this box, DO NOT enter a value in the Vocera Extension field for the group. Otherwise, users can call the group by dialing its extension.

Calling and broadcasting are enabled for all the groups except for the Permissions Only groups. Generally, you should disable calling and broadcasting only for administrative groups, that is, groups used to grant or revoke Vocera permissions.

  • You cannot use this field to disable an emergency broadcast to a designated emergency broadcast group.
  • All the group members of the Permissions Only group receive the incoming emergency broadcast calls.
  • When a Permission Only group is added as a member to another callable group, users can call the members of the Permission Only group.
  • All the groups, including Permissions only groups, appear in the Vocera smartphone clients. If users have access to the User Console, they can also add a permission-only group to their Buddies list.

Emergency Broadcast Group


(Optional) Use the Emergency Broadcast Group field to specify the name of the group that receives emergency broadcasts for a functional group.
Note: A silent emergency broadcast is configured at the site level only and will apply to all emergency groups for the entire site.

For more information, see Emergency Broadcast Groups.

Member Name-Singular


In the Member Name-Singular field, enter a name that describes a member of the group. For example, in the group called Sales, a group member would be known as a sales person. This would allow the Genie to recognize a command such as, "Call a sales person."

Best Practice: Do not start the singular name of members with the words "a" or "an" because those words are already in the Vocera grammar.

Member Name-Plural


In the Member Name-Plural field, optionally enter a name that collectively describes the members of the group. For example, in the group called Sales, the collection of group members could be called sales people. This would allow the Genie to recognize a command such as, "Send a message to all sales people."

Best Practice: Do not start the plural name of members with the word "all"—for example, all sales people—because that will result in redundant syntax in Genie prompts, such as, "I'm recording a message for all sales people."

Alternate Spoken Group Name


In the Alternate Spoken Group Name field, optionally enter a variation of the group name. For example, some people might say "the Sales team" instead of "Sales." If you enter the Sales team as an Alternate Spoken Group Name, the Genie will recognize "Call the sales team."

Scheduling Options


Specify either of the following:

  • Choose Sequential if you want one person to be the main contact. The second member in the list is called only if the first person is not available, a third member is called only if the first two are unavailable, and so forth.

    The order in which names appear in the Group Member Name list on the Members tab of the Add/Edit Group dialog box is important when you choose Sequential scheduling.

  • Choose Round Robin if you want calls to be distributed as evenly as possible among group members. When you choose round robin, Vocera iterates through members in the group until someone accepts the call; however, the person who most recently accepted a group call is tried last.

If you provide a value other than Sequential or Round Robin in the data-loading template, an error will occur when you try to import the file.

Receive Offsite Calls


Check this setting to permit calls to the group to be received by members who are currently at a different site from the caller. If your Vocera system has only one site, this option does not apply.

If you don't want members to receive calls to the group when they are currently at a different site from the caller (if the site of the group is Global) or at a different site from the group (if the site of the group is not Global), uncheck this setting.

Receive Offsite Broadcast


Check this setting to permit broadcasts to the group to be received by members who are currently at a different site from the person who initiated the broadcast. If your Vocera system has only one site, this option does not apply.

If you don't want members to receive broadcasts to the group when they are currently at a different site from the caller (if the site of the group is Global) or at a different site from the group (if the site of the group is not Global), uncheck this setting.

Receive Offsite Text Messages


Check this setting in the Cross-site Options section to deliver text messages or alerts to all group members, including those currently at another site. This option is ON by default. When not checked, text messages sent to the group will not be received by group members at another site when the message is sent.

Exception:If the group is in the Global site, or any users belonging to that group are in the Global site, they will receive all messages regardless of the setting. If your Vocera system has only one site, this option does not apply.

For example, A user in a Code Blue group for site A is working in site B. If a message is sent to the Code Blue group for Site A, the user working in Site B should not receive the message. The reasoning is that if a user is not on-site, the message would be irrelevant.