Maintaining Devices with Unique Certificates

In most environments after the initial badge configuration is performed using the BCU, you can use the Vocera Voice Server to push certificate and firmware updates to the badges in your environment. However, in an environment where unique certificates are configured, you are required to use the BCU for some firmware and certificate updates.

You cannot perform these tasks using the Vocera Voice Server.

Updating Badge Firmware

Badge firmware updates can be safely applied to your Vocera Voice Server. The firmware updates will not overwrite or remove your unique EAP-TLS certificate information when the badges are updated.

The badge properties file on your Badge Configuration Computer can be copied onto your Vocera Voice Server: vocera_drive\vocera\config\.

You can safely apply system-wide badge property updates from the Vocera Voice Server and will not impact the unique EAP-TLS certificate information unless you are changing WLAN network security properties.

Renewing Certificates