Working With Reminders

Vocera offers two types of reminders, Text and Voice reminders.

You can create voice reminders using the voice commands from the Vocera badge or text reminders from the User Console.

Vocera system handles the text reminders as text messages and allows you to create a text reminder from the Reminders page in the User Console. All text reminders have a character limit of 115 characters. For more information on using text reminders from the User Console, see the Reminders section in the Vocera Voice Server User Console Guide

Voice reminders are processed as voice messages. You can use your Vocera badge to create voice reminders. Voice reminders are played on your badge at the scheduled time. For more information on using voice reminders, see the Recording Voice Reminders section in the Vocera Badge User Guide.

The following table summarizes the differences between Text and Voice reminders:

Actions Voice Reminders Text Reminders
Create reminders for self requires special permissions No No
Create reminders for other users requires special permissions No Yes
Create reminders for a Vocera group requires special permissions Yes Yes
Create, modify, or delete reminders from the User Console No Yes
Create and delete reminders from Vocera badge Yes No
Create reminders for self, multiple users, or a group Yes Yes
Create recurring or non-recurring reminders Yes Yes
Add a frequency (hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly) to reminders Yes Yes
View reminders on the Reminders page in the User Console No Yes
View reminders on the badge No Yes
Listen to reminders on the badge Yes Yes