Easter Eggs

Easter Eggs is the voice command that you can use to delight and inspire patients and co-worker.

The following table shows the commands and Genie response:

Commands The Genie Says
Call Captain Kirk "Captain Kirk is busy in another Galaxy at the moment!"
Make it so "OK, I made it but you will have to unmake it! "
Beam me up! "Sorry the transporter feature is still under development."
Beam me down! "I don't think I can do that!"
Good bye "Live long and prosper!"
I’m having a bad day "Take a deep breath and know that you are helping to save a life today."
My Vocera is broken "Are you sure it’s not your wireless or the way you are holding your badge."
Genie, I have a wish "Your wish is my command."
Genie, obey my commands "First you must follow my rules!"
Santa Claus "Ho Ho Ho, Santa hopes you feel better."
Mrs. Claus "Santa is watching you, be brave."
Easter Bunny "Hopping you feel better."
I need a hug "Warm fuzzies coming your way."
Houston, we have a problem "Keep calm, and call a super hero."