About the Templates

The installation program provides templates that you use to create CSV files in the \vocera\samples directory of the Vocera Voice Server computer.

The Vocera Import templates are in Microsoft Excel format. Use these templates to enter the data you want to load, then save them in CSV format.

Loading All Data from Spreadsheets

If you are loading all your data from spreadsheets, you must use the spreadsheets in the order shown in the "Import Templates" table shown later in this topic.

Begin by loading data stored in the "Sites" template. As you move sequentially through the list, the data in the spreadsheets further down in the list has dependencies on the data you load earlier in the sequence, and could fail to load if you do not follow this prescribed sequence.

Additional guidelines follow the "Import Templates".

Find the templates listed here in the \vocera\samples directory:
Table 1. Import Templates
Type of Data Template
Sites sites-template.xls

See "Importing Groups"following the table for details.

Users users-template.xls
Group Members groupmembers-template.xls
Address Book Entries addresses-template.xls
Locations locations-template.xls
Access Points accesspoints-template.xls
Devices devices-template.xls
Devices devices-template-V5000.xls

Importing Groups

When you import Vocera groups, DO NOT import the Forwarding field in the first pass. See "Importing Groups in Multiple Passes" for details about importing group data.

Processing Numeric Values

Vocera supports numeric values that begin with zero such as 01234 in name fields. However, Excel strips initial zeros from numeric values without warning. If you want to use numeric values that begin with zero in name fields, do not use Excel to edit your .csv files. Instead, use a different spreadsheet program, such as OpenOffice Calc (http://www.openoffice.org/).