Editing a Shift

After you have created a schedule, you can edit any shift to add or delete people to it. You can also change the color in which the shift is displayed.

  1. Open the VMP Web Console in your Web browser.
  2. Click Schedule.

    The list of schedules appears.

  3. Click on a schedule to display it.
  4. Double-click the shift that you want to edit. The Shift Assignment dialog box appears.
  5. To add a person to a shift, in the Available Users column, select the checkbox next to the user that you want to add and click >.
  6. To remove a person from a shift, in the Selected Users column, select the checkbox next to the user that you want to delete and click <.
  7. To change the color in which the shift is displayed in the schedule, select a color from the options available.
  8. Click OK to save your changes to the shift.