
This method sends the alert identified by an external system ID.

If a user is not found in the VMP Server, the return array contains the appropriate PagingAlertUserStatusInfo with ERROR status and User unknown detail text.

Table 1. Paging_SendAlert method parameters
Parameter Type Description
guid String

A reference to the VMP instance served by the VMP Paging gateway. The default is MAIN.



The user login (configured in VMP Administrator).

password String The user password (configured in VMP Administrator).
message PagingAlert The alert message with all options.
responses PagingAlertResponse[] The array of responses.
users PagingAlertUserRef[] The array of recipients. Supported references are Pager ID, Vocera ID, and AD Username.
dls String[] The array of distribution list ids. Supported references are Distribution List ID, and Vocera ID if the distribution list is from the Vocera Voice Server.
callbackInfo PagingAlertStatusCallbackInfo The status notification callback descriptor. The VMP Server supports a callback failover mechanism. It is implemented as a callback notification queue. Status change notifications will be kept in the queue for 24 hours. If the VMP gateway cannot successfully submit a notification during the 24 hour period, the notification is discarded. Gateway clients can use the Paging_GetAlert status call to poll the alert status and update their database.

Return type: WWI.WIC.WWS. PagingAlertUserStatusInfo[]