VMP Enterprise Manager Configuration Options

From the VMP Enterprise Manager, you can set configuration options to control the behavior of the VMP Server.

These options are organized into categories, and some categories are divided into subcategories. To access these options, start the VMP Enterprise Manager and select Configuration > Configuration.

Options marked with an asterisk * are visible only when you click Advanced Options.

If you have installed a standalone version of the VMP Administrator, the VMP Enterprise Manager displays only a limited subset of these options. The options available in a standalone environment are marked with two asterisks **.

Note: If you are using VMP in a clustered environment, you must update these options on each cluster node on which the VMP Server is installed.
Table 1. VMP Enterprise Manager Configuration Options
Option Description
Login ** The database account used to query stored permissions and authenticate users. The default is wicauth.
Password ** The password for this account.
Confirm Password ** A repetition of the password for this account.
Login The account used by the application server and by the VMP Administrator if authenticated successfully. The default is wicapplication.
Password The password for this account.
Confirm Password A repetition of the password for this account.
Server ** The name or IP address of the VMP database server.
MaxConnections * ** The maximum number of cached connections to the SQL server.
DBUpdateFile * ** The SQL file for the DBUpdate tool. This tool is used by Vocera technical support.
NetworkInterface The IP address of the network interface to which the server listens for requests. If this is set to, all interfaces are available.
NetworkPort The HTTP port number for the VMP Server.
NetworkSecurePort The secure HTTPS port number for the VMP Server.
NetworkSecureCertificate The SSL certificate to be used with the VMP Server. This is set in the Security Options dialog box during installation. See Installing the VMP Server for more details.
NetworkSecureEnforceWebSSL Enforce the use of SSL when connecting from the VMP Web Console to the VMP Server.
MaxPacketSize * The data size used by device clients when communicating with the server.
DefaultSliceLimit * The maximum size of a compressed data chunk in a packet. This enables limiting of memory consumption on the device.
EnableWebServer Enable the VMP Web Console.
Enable automatic Web login Enable Active Directory automatic login (supported for Internet Explorer only).
Enable no authentication for Web login Enable the Open Portal interface.
Do not show VMP instances on Web login page If multiple instances of the VMP Server are available, do not display them on the VMP Web Console login page.
BISStatusRecordsFlashInterval * The BIS-B status record expiration interval. This value does not need to be changed.
Apple push protocol version * This value does not need to be changed.
Apple push idle connection timeout * This value does not need to be changed.
Connection Limit * The number of requests that the server can handle simultaneously. Requests over the limit are kept in a connection queue.
Connection Timeout * The length of time that a connection remains in the connection queue.
Media Stream Connections Limit * The maximum number of simultaneous media streaming HTTP connections.
Device Push Connections Limit * The maximum number of simultaneous device push connections.
Web Push Connections Limit * The maximum number of simultaneous web push connections.
Active Directory Server ** The Active Directory IP address or host name when the VMP Server is integrated with Active Directory. This option can be set in the Active Directory dialog box during installation. See Installing the VMP Server for more details.
Connect to Active Directory over SSL ** Whether to connect to the Active Directory server using SSL. The default is False.
Allow Active Directory user to login (display login/password form) ** Enable the use of Active Directory user names and passwords when logging into the VMP Administrator. Only users that have been granted permission to log into the VMP Administrator can use their Active Directory credentials. The default is False.
Enable automatic login using Active Directory authentication ** Select True to enable logging into the VMP Web Console using Active Directory credentials. The default is False.
Allow current logged domain user to login (display link) ** Select True to display an auto-login link. If this link is clicked, the VMP Server attempts to automatically log in using Windows authentication. The default is False.
GCMProxy * This value does not need to be changed.
Security code * The security code to allow WCTP polling.
Server The SMTP server for email notifications. In a clustered environment, this is used to send failover notifications.
Port * The port number for the SMTP server.
VMP email The email address that email notifications are sent from.
UseAuthentication * Whether to use SMTP authentication.
Login * The login ID for SMTP authentication.
Password * The password for the SMTP login.
Confirm Password * A repetition of the password for the SMTP login.
UseSSL * Whether to use SSL for the SMTP connection.
Network *
Proxy *
Enabled * Whether a proxy is to be enabled on the network. If a proxy is enabled, all outgoing requests go through this proxy.
Host * The IP address of the proxy.
Username * The username for the proxy.
Password * The password for the proxy username.
Confirm Password * A repetition of the password for the proxy username.
Soap * **
ConnectionsLimit * ** The maximum number of simultaneous SOAP connections.
Limit log messages to VMP Log File The levels of log messages to be written to the log file.
Limit log messages to Windows Event Log The levels of log messages to be written to the Windows event log.
Limit EMail notifications The levels of log messages for which email notifications are to be sent.
Email Address(es) for Notifications The email addresses to which email notifications are to be sent.
Enable extended communication logging * Enables logging of the content of HTTP requests, WCTP, and email. Warning: This logging information may contain message text, which may cause patient-sensitive information to appear in the log files.
Enable smartphone extended communication logging *

Enables logging of VMP smartphone data exchanges.

Warning: This logging information will contain message text.
Enable Badge extended communication logging *

Enables logging of Vocera Badge data exchanges.

Warning: This logging information will contain message text.
Enable web console extended communication logging *

Enables logging of VMP Web Console data exchanges.

Warning: This logging information will contain message text.
Enable SOAP extended communication logging *

Enables VMP SOAP interface logging.

Warning: This logging information will contain message text.
Size of log file in megabytes *

Specifies the maximum size of a log file. When the file reaches this size, a new file is started. If 0 is specified, log file rotation is disabled.

Count of log files *

The number of log files to retain in the system. If this is set to 0, log files are never deleted.