Viewing On-Call Schedules

A user that is a member of an on-call distribution list can view the on-call schedules that have been created for the list. Other logged-in users can view on-call schedules for a distribution list to which they do not belong if you have granted this permission as administrator.

Note: For details on granting scheduling permissions, see Granting Users Scheduling Permissions.
  1. Open the VMP Web Console in your Web browser.
  2. Click Schedule.

    The list of schedules appears.

    If no edit icons appear in the Actions column, the schedule is read-only: you can view it, but not edit it.

  3. Click the name of a schedule to view it.

    If the schedule is read-only, this information is displayed next to the name of the schedule.

  4. Click Day, Week, or Month to view the shift assignments for a specific day, week, or month. To view the shift assignments for a specific user, click Shifts and then click the user's name.