Choosing a Facility Unit

Depending on licensing established by your enterprise, you may access multiple facilities and units in your VCE environment.

Refer to Navigating VCE for additional information about VCE navigating a Health System.

  1. Click the unit displayed in the VCE toolbar. In this example, "Main Campus - Emergency Medicine" is the current facility and unit.

    The Change Location link displays.
  2. Click Change Location.

    The facility's units menu displays.
  3. Use the arrows to navigate to the unit or facility needed.
    In this example, the Main Campus facility displays several units you may access, such as ICU.
    Click the Back arrow to navigate to the facility menu, if your account is configured to allow access to multiple facilities.

    The Facility menu displays.
  4. Click the Back arrow to display the Health System menu, if your account is configured to allow access to multiple Health Systems.