Viewing a Care Round Survey

Surveys are predefined questions which are designed for a business purpose.

Your facility determines the surveys that will be provided. Staff members can be permitted access to the surveys they need to complete their responsilbilites associated with their role.

The following survey is an example of a Welcome round that staff in your facility would use to evaluate the facility performance in orienting a new patient upon their admission to the facility.

The Patient Demographics section contatins the information about the patient and their admission. This information is typically name, medical record number, age, gender, location. Refer to Viewing the Patient List for details.

The remaining sections in the survey will be specific to the type of round survey. Questions may be answered with a checkbox, a text field, or other options such as Yes or No. A question may configured to require an answer, and additionally, an answer may be configured to require a comment in an accompanying text field.

A question is often provided at the bottom of the survey to allow the system to assign an overall experience to the patient visit. For example, in this Welcome survey the final question asks, "How would you rate your overall stay?" The response options are Exceeds Expectations, Meets Expectations, and Did Not Meet Expectations. These answers correspond to an Experience rating of Positive, Neutral, and Negative, respectively. Refer to Filtering by Round Experience for more information.