Active Directory Integrated User Profile Fields

Depending upon your facility's configuration, some user profile field values are mapped to your organization's Active Directory.

The First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name fields in the General configuration section of your profile are mapped to your organizations Active Directory (AD). Vocera Platform uses the Lightweight Direct Access Protocol (LDAP) to map this information. Integrating profile information with your organization's active directory settings ensures that when your profile information is changed or updated, it is automatically updated in the Vocera system and displayed correctly.

When First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name fields are mapped via LDAP, the field value is displayed with "Mapped from LDAP." message.

The following screenshot displays the General profile information for the user Carol Wilson. Notice the First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name field values are displayed with "mapped from LDAP" message:

If you edit any of these fields, the system updates this information to display the new value and "Overridden from LDAP value <old/original value>" message.

For example, the following screenshot displays the First Name and the Last Name fields for the user Carol Wilson are edited, the fields information is displayed with "Overridden from LDAP value “<old/original value>”" message: