Removing a Dataset Condtion

You can permanently remove (delete) a dataset condition from the system.

Verify that the condition you are working with should be removed from the dataset. Removing a condition may prevent features from functioning, and data may be permanently discarded.

  1. Access the Settings tab in the Vocera Platform Web Console as described in Accessing Dataset Conditions to work with the condition.
  2. Navigate to the condition that you wish to remove, and expand the accordian to display the configuration settings.
  3. Select Remove in the menu bar. The menu displays Edit, Remove, and Clone options.
  4. Select the appropriate action in the confirmation message dialog.
    Warning: Remove cannot be undone. Removing a condition may prevent features from functioning, and data may be permanently discarded.
    • Ok: Select Ok to remove the condition from the system.
    • Cancel: Select Cancel to close the message without making a change to the condition.
  5. A success message displays at the top of the Dataset page.