Configuring a Filter on a Condition

Filters are configured on a condition by using attribute, comparator, and value definitions to select specific information from a dataset.

Attributes, comparators, and values are defined to allow a condition to filter information for a business use. See Filters on Conditions for more information.

  1. Navigate to Datasets in Vocera Platform Web Console and display the filters configured on a condition that requires revision.
  2. Expand a selected filter to display its configuration fields. Otherwise, select Add a filter to configure a new filter on the condition. The configuration fields are the same in both new and existing filters.
  3. Complete the fields listed in the table below. An asterisk * indicates that the field must be provided.
    Name Description
    Attribute * Enter the name of the attribute that will be used as a filter for this dataset. The system validates that the attribute path is a valid path relative to the parent dataset.
    Comparator * Select the comparator from the drop-down menu that you wish to apply to the attribute. A comparator provides the ability to filter information by specific parameters. Provided comparators are as follows: contains, ends with, equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to, included in, less than, less than or equal to, like, not equal to, not included in, not like, not null, null, starts with.
    Value * Enter a value that the attribute will be compared against in this field. See Understanding Filter Templates for additional information about using a template in this field.
  4. When the configuration is complete, select the appropriate option for the new or revised filter.
    • Create: Create the new filter on the selected condition in the system.
    • Update: Revise the existing filter.
    • Cancel: Return to the dataset page without making a change to the filter.
  5. The new or revised filter will display a success message to confirm your changes.