Cluster Health Checks

Manual checks on the overall health of a high availability cluster should be performed to prevent service disruption at a customer site.

In the Cluster tab, the Status panel provides a view of the overall health of the cluster. Additional preventative manual health checks must be performed before a system can be implemented successfully, and to ensure that known issues do not occur at a customer site.

The Status panel displays the state of each node in the cluster, but it is unable to report everything about the overall health of the cluster. This appendix information provides preventative actions that Implementation Engineers should perform to prevent service disruption at a customer site. Perform these health checks as early as possible to catch any problems, before the system is allowed to go live at the customer site.

This health check information is specific to high availability clustering and is not intended to be general purpose troubleshooting information. Use the information in this section to obtain a more accurate status on the cluster.