
The Vocera Platform uses adapters to integrate with external systems and devices.

You can configure each adapter to include information that allows Vocera Platform to communicate and interact with a specific type of resource, and the devices that resource may control. Adapters can allow the Vocera Platform to monitor and collect data as well as send data out when triggered manually or automatically.

If not provided by default in a Vocera Platform EMDAN solution, an adapter package can be manually implemented. The adapter package has to be uploaded to Vocera Platform, and then installed and configured. Once the adapter configuration is enabled, Vocera Platform can utilize the adapter's functionality. Multiple instances of an adapter can be created in Vocera Platform.

Note: For details about adapters, navigate to the indvidual adapter guides listed under Vocera Adapters in the Vocera Documentation Portal. Each guide contains installation and configuration details, as well as instructions for creating, enabling, deleting, and editing adapters.

An adapter's service status can be verified or enabled in Status > Adapter Services.

Note: For information about Adapter Services, see the Status section of this Vocera Platform Administration Guide.

In the Vocera Platform Web Console navigation menu, select Settings, then Adapters.

The Adapters page displays a list of adapters installed on the Vocera Platform. On this page you can identify installed adapters by component or reference name. The adapter list can be filtered by a search term, or by enabled status. In addition, from this page you can choose to create a new adapter instance.