Device Management Roles

Learn about the device management roles, including a description of each.

The device management features of the Vocera system are available to the following device management roles:


Permissions Required


System Administrator

Perform System Administration

Individuals with full permissions for adding, editing, and deleting data in the Web Console. System administrators must set up system device managers and group device managers, and use Vocera Report Server to schedule device management reports to be generated and e-mailed to users. They can also add, import, export, or update devices.

System Device Manager

Perform System Device Management

Individuals with tiered administrator access to the Device Monitor and Device Inventory sections of the Web Console, with full permission to add, edit, and delete device data, including device status values, for all facilities.

To define which users are system device managers, the system administrator should create a group. For example, "Tiered Admin-Perform System Device Management," and grant the group the device management permission, and populate it with members who are system device managers.

Sometimes this role is split between two people with one handling inventory and return merchandise authorization (RMA), and the other doing reporting and lost device troubleshooting. Each facility may have a Vocera system device manager or a single person may manage Vocera devices for all facilities.

Group Device Manager


Individuals who can manage devices owned by groups. Group device managers can access the Device Monitor and Device Inventory sections of the Web Console, but they cannot view or modify devices owned by other groups whose devices they do not manage.

No tiered administrator permissions are needed to be a group device manager. A system administrator defines which users are group device managers by assigning them to a group that manages the devices of another group.

If you are a user with any of device management roles mentioned in the table, you may want to learn more about theWeb Console Device Monitor.