Deleting a Facility

You can delete an existing facility from the system, deleting a facility automatically removes the associated rooms and beds from the system.

You cannot delete the default Global facility.
  1. Navigate to Facilities from the Manage section to locate the facility that you want to delete.
    The Hospital Locations page displays.
  2. Navigate to the hospital location that you wish to delete in the alphabetical list under All Facilities.
  3. Click the Options button in the far right of the hospital location's row.

  4. Select Delete Facility from the Options drop down menu.
    The Delete Facility dialog displays.
  5. Choose one of the following to close the Delete Facility dialog.
    • No — to cancel the delete action and return to the All Facilities page.
    • Yes— to confirm the delete action.
      Attention: The delete action permanently deletes a facility from the system. Deleting a facility deletes all users, groups, AP locations, devices, department, rooms, and beds associated with this facility.