Accessing the Workflows List

View a list of workflows implemented on the Vocera Platform or use the search bar to display a specific workflow.

Workflows are organized alphabetically by name in a table. The number of implemented workflows is shown in the table's footer.

To access the workflows list, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Workflows in the Settings section of the Web Console.
    The Workflows section displays.

  2. Use the information in the following table to understand the details provided in the Workflows section.
    Field Description
    Name This is the name of the implemented Vocera workflow. The name should be unique and identify the selected workflow's functionality.
    Description This is the description of the selected workflow's purpose. The description of the workflow should be explicit as possible, so users will understand the purpose of the workflow.

    Enter a search term in the Search field in the table's header to filter the workflow list. Search terms will be applied to the Name and Description fields.

    When all workflows configured on Vocera Platform are shown, the header displays All Workflows.

    When a search has limited the number of workflows shown, the header displays Workflows Search Results.

    Search controls include a magnifying glass icon to initiate the search, and an "x" icon to clear the search field. The search term is autosubmitted after the user pauses in typing.

Click a name in the Workflows list to view its details. See Managing Workflows for more information.