
If you have patient care responsibilities and you know that you will be away for a period of time for a meeting, a break, or for some other important task such as transporting a patient, you can ask another person to cover for you. This ensures that your patients continue to receive care.

When you request coverage, you specify the amount of time for which you need coverage, and the person that you want to cover for you. This person then receives an alarm that specifies the time for which you want coverage.

While you are being covered, you do not hear tone notifications for alarms or messages that are part of group chats. You continue to hear notifications for alarms or messages that are part of 1-on-1 conversations.

Note: Coverage is available only if your administrator has granted you permission to use it. If coverage is available, your administrator may have configured your system so that you can continue 1-on-1 conversations even while someone is covering for you. Contact your administrator for more details.