Viewing Archived Conversations

You can view any conversation that has been archived within the last 12 months.

To view an archived conversation:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • If the Archive tab is available on the Home screen, tap it. A list of archived conversations appears.

      For details on how to set tabs on the Home screen, see Customizing the Display Tabs.

    • If the Archive tab is not available, select the Menu icon at the top of the Home screen.

      In the Menu screen, select Archive.

      A list of archived conversations appears.

  2. Select from one of the following:
    • In the Recent section, tap Unaccepted and Unread to view a list of recent unaccepted alarms and unread conversations, or tap Read to view a list of recent previously viewed conversations.

    • Similarly, in the Past section, tap Unaccepted and Unread to view a list of past unaccepted alarms and unread conversations, or tap Read to view a list of past previously viewed conversations.

    Beside each Unaccepted and Unread link and each Read link, there is a count of the total number of alarms and conversations in this category. For Unaccepted and Unread links, the background color of this count represents the color of the highest-priority alarm in the list of archived alarms. (For more information on alarm priority, see Receiving an Alarm.) If no alarms have been archived, this background color is blue.

  3. In the list that you have selected, tap the conversation that you want to view.