About Profile Options

Use the Profile Options to customize the Vocera Collaboration Suite.

To access the Options, tap your profile photo or initials to display your profile, and tap Settings.

The following table lists the options and settings for this device:

Option Description

Display Names

The order in which names of contacts are to be displayed. Choose one of:

  1. First Middle Last

  2. Last, First Middle

  3. First Last

  4. Last, First

App Level PIN

Whether a four-digit PIN must be supplied to access this device. If the system administrator has specified that a four-digit PIN is required, this option is ignored.

Sort Favorites Alphabetically

Whether Favorites are to be displayed in alphabetical order in the Contacts screen.

Launch Tutorial

Launch a brief tutorial describing the features of the Vocera Collaboration Suite. This tutorial appears when you are new to the Vocera Collaboration Suite.

Note: If your administrator has specified that all users are to use system-wide notification settings, the options in this section are not available.

Secure Messages

The tones and optional vibrations to use when receiving Secure Messages notifications. You can define a separate tone and vibration for each message priority.


The tone and optional vibration to use when receiving Call notifications.

Notify Me

The tone to use when receiving notifications of responses to Secure Messages. The vibration pattern cannot be changed, so you can only turn vibration on or off.


The tone to use when receiving notifications for:

  • Forwarded messages
  • Changes in On-Call status
  • New Content
  • New voicemail, voice reminders, and missed calls

This tone length is only one second, so the vibration pattern cannot be changed, but you can turn the vibration on or off.

Secure Messages

Remind Me Later

When you do not respond to a Secure Message notification popup, the number of minutes to wait before reminding you of the message.

If this option does not appear, your administrator has disabled it on the server.

This reminder option is provided for Urgent and High priority messages only, not Normal priority messages.



The IP address of the VMP Server.


Whether or not to use SSL to ensure secure connectivity. Your system administrator may not have enabled SSL, or may be forcing all Vocera Collaboration Suite users to use SSL when accessing the VMP Server.


User Name

The name of the user using the Vocera Collaboration Suite.

Application Version

The Vocera Collaboration Suite version installed on this device.

Android Version

The version of the Android operating system that is installed on this device.

Upload Log Files

Upload Vocera Collaboration Suite log files. When uploading logs, it is recommended that you provide additional details to help with troubleshooting. Log files can be uploaded to the server or sent by email to the Vocera support team. An administrator must then retrieve these logs from the server.