Working with Rollback after an Upgrade

This topic describes the steps to be followed when you rollback an upgrade.


It is recommended to take a VM snapshot of CWE before the upgrade. This will be useful when you perform a rollback. In this case, the below steps will not be required.

After you have perfomed an upgrade to 3.1.0 and if you want to rollback an upgrade from 3.1.0 to, then perform the following:

  1. Uninstall CWE 3.1.0.
  2. Delete the CWE / 3.1.0 database.
  3. Restore the CWE MVisumAlerts, MVisumInterface, MVisumNotification, MVisumPush databases backup.
  4. Install CWE again and select the option No when prompted to use the existing (restored) database.
  5. Stop all Vocera services.
  6. Stop IIS.
  7. Replace MVisumAlerts folder content with Vocera_3.0.1.12 backup folder.
  8. Start IIS.
  9. Start all Vocera services.