Viewing the Vocera XMPP Adapter Requirements

The minimum Vocera XMPP Adapter requirements for a Vocera Platform installation are described here.


Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) version 9 or higher is optional, and not required for the Vocera XMPP Adapter to function. This CUCM version integrates the IM and Presence Services (formerly Cisco Unified Presence) in the server.


See the Vocera Platform IP Ports tables for additional port information.

The Vocera XMPP Adapter requires two open ports: TCP/5269 to communicate with a federated server, and TCP/5222 to communicate with a client.

XMPP traffic on the Internet and hospital networks between the Vocera appliance and devices over port 5222 is secured by TLS. Vocera Platform provides support for use of multiple proxy servers (one per data center) in the configuration options described below.

Apple iOS

This adapter requires the port 443 for Vocera Platform to communicate with the Apple Push Notification Service (APNS).

After this communication, the APNS uses the port 5223 to communicate with a mobile device. Per Apple, port 5223 must be open in both directions for a Wifi network; see iOS Troubleshooting Push Notifications. For APNS to work from within your network, inbound and outbound TCP traffic must be enabled for on port 5223, specifically must be open in both directions.

Vocera Platform then requires mobile devices to use TCP port 5222 to communicate inbound first with a proxy server, then the Vocera Appliance. If a proxy is not used, the mobile device communicates directly with the Appliance through the same port, without going through a proxy server.

Google Android

XMPP supports Google's Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) service which can send remote notifications to registered devices. In addition to identifying a physical device, a token can be registered for devices that can recieve remote notifications via this Android service.

This adapter requires the port 443 for Vocera Platform to communicate with Google's Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) service.

After this communication, FCM uses the ports 5228, 5229, 5230 to communicate with a mobile device. Per Google, ports 5228, 5229, and 5230 must be open in both directions for a Wifi network. For FCM to work from within your network, inbound and outbound TCP traffic must be enabled for

Vocera Platform then requires mobile devices to use TCP port 5222 to communicate inbound first with a proxy server, then the Vocera Appliance. If a proxy is not used, the mobile device communicates directly with the Appliance through the same port, without going through a proxy server.


An adapter defines a default Dataset structure in order to function. Attributes are organized by Datasets and store the information required by the adapter. Adapters use this data during the process of receiving and sending messages.

Not all adapters require Datasets to function. When an adapter does require Datasets, the system will determine if they already exist. If they do not exist, the system will create the needed Datasets.

When creating or editing an adapter, use the following information to select the appropriate datasets in the Required Datasets section.

ACTORS Dataset

Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute uid N/A False N/A True String Attribute that stores the unchanging uid of the actor.
Link contact_details actor False True N/A One-to-many The ACTORS Dataset is linked to the CONTACT_DETAILS Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one actor associated to many contact_details)
Link favorite_of favorites False False N/A Many-to-many The ACTORS Dataset is linked to the ACTORS Dataset, and the link order is m:n (many actors associated to many actors)
Link favorites favorite_of False False N/A Many-to-many The ACTORS Dataset is linked to the ACTORS Dataset, and the link order is m:n (many actors associated to many actors)


Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute assignment_id N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores the unique identifier for the assignment.
Attribute interface_id N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores the identifier for the interface owning this assignment.
Attribute level N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores the level of the assignment.
Attribute state N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the state of the assignment. Possible values are active, next, expired, and deleted.
Link location assignments False False N/A Many-to-one The ASSIGNMENTS Dataset is linked to the LOCATIONS Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many assignments associated to one location)
Link role assignments False False N/A Many-to-one The ASSIGNMENTS Dataset is linked to the FUNCTIONAL_ROLES Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many assignments associated to one functional_role)
Link usr assignments False False N/A Many-to-one The ASSIGNMENTS Dataset is linked to the USERS Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many assignments associated to one user)

BEDS Dataset

Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute bed_number N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores the number of the bed.
Link room beds True False N/A Many-to-one The BEDS Dataset is linked to the ROOMS Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many beds associated to one room)
Link locs places False False N/A Many-to-many The BEDS Dataset is linked to the LOCATIONS Dataset, and the link order is m:n (many beds associated to many locations)


Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute call_log_type N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the type of the call log. Possible values are call, page, and voicemail.
Attribute call_type N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the type of the call. Possible values are Incoming, Outgoing, Broadcast, and PanicBroadcast.
Attribute called_group N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the uid of the called group.
Attribute callee N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the uid of the other party.
Attribute caller N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the uid of the calling party.
Attribute deleted N/A False N/A False Boolean Attribute that stores whether or not the voice mail has been deleted.
Attribute phone_number N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the phone number of the other party.
Attribute played N/A False N/A False Boolean Attribute that stores whether or not the voice mail has been played.
Attribute priority_type N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the priority for the call. Possible values include Normal, Important, Urgent, and Chat.
Attribute result N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the result of the call.
Attribute timestamp N/A False N/A False Date/Time Attribute that stores the timestamp of the call.


Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute voicemail_deleted_at N/A False N/A False Date/Time Attribute that stores timestamp at time when the voicemail was deleted.
Attribute voicemail_played_at N/A False N/A False Date/Time Attribute that stores timestamp at time when the voicemail was played.
Link message call_log_receipts True False N/A Many-to-one The CALL_LOG_RECEIPTS Dataset is linked to the MESSAGES Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many call_log_receipts associated to one message)
Link recipient call_log_receipts True False N/A Many-to-one The CALL_LOG_RECEIPTS Dataset is linked to the IDENTITIES Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many call_log_receipts associated to one identity)


Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute detail_type N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores the type of the contact detail, such as phone or email.
Attribute value N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the value of the contact detail.
Link actor contact_details True False N/A Many-to-one The CONTACT_DETAILS Dataset is linked to the ACTORS Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many contact_details associated to one actor)


Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute jid1 N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores for conversations between two users, it is the alphabetically first of the users' bare JIDs. For conference rooms, it is the conference room JID.
Attribute jid2 N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores for conversations between two users, it is the alphabetically second of the users' bare JIDs. For conference rooms, it is the string 'ROOM'.
Attribute ttl N/A False N/A True Integer Attribute that stores the time-to-live (in minutes) for the conversation measured from the last message.
Attribute activity_state N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the activity state of the conversation. Possible values are active, expired, inactive, and closed.
Attribute topic N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the topic of the conversation.
Link bookmarked_users bookmarks False False N/A Many-to-many The CONVERSATIONS Dataset is linked to the USERS Dataset, and the link order is m:n (many conversations associated to many users)
Link history conversation False False N/A One-to-many The CONVERSATIONS Dataset is linked to the CONVERSATION_HISTORY Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one conversation associated to many conversation_histories)
Link members conversations False False N/A Many-to-many The CONVERSATIONS Dataset is linked to the USERS Dataset, and the link order is m:n (many conversations associated to many users)
Link messages conversation False False N/A One-to-many The CONVERSATIONS Dataset is linked to the MESSAGES Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one conversation associated to many messages)
Link patient conversations False False N/A Many-to-one The CONVERSATIONS Dataset is linked to the PATIENTS Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many conversations associated to one patient)
Link team_members team_conversations False False N/A Many-to-many The CONVERSATIONS Dataset is linked to the USERS Dataset, and the link order is m:n (many conversations associated to many users)


Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute activity_state N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the activity state the conversation has been changed to.
Link conversation history False False N/A Many-to-one The CONVERSATION_HISTORY Dataset is linked to the CONVERSATIONS Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many conversation_histories associated to one conversation)
Link member history False False N/A Many-to-one The CONVERSATION_HISTORY Dataset is linked to the IDENTITIES Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many conversation_histories associated to one identity)


Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute status N/A False N/A True String Attribute that stores the state of the delivered message. Possible values are Queued, Processing, Pending, Delivered, or Error.
Attribute triggered_at N/A False N/A True Date/Time Attribute that stores timestamp at which the original rule was triggered.
Attribute delivery_date N/A False N/A False Date/Time Attribute that stores the timestamp at which the message was delivered by the interface.
Attribute interface_name N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the reference name of the interface that delivered the message.
Attribute processing_time N/A False N/A False Integer Attribute that stores the duration in milliseconds from the time that the rule was triggered to when processing was completed.
Attribute status_text N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the reason for the current status, typically an error message.
Link history delivery False False N/A One-to-many The DELIVERIES Dataset is linked to the DELIVERY_HISTORY Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one delivery associated to many delivery_histories)
Link message deliveries False False N/A Many-to-one The DELIVERIES Dataset is linked to the MESSAGES Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many deliveries associated to one message)
Link usr deliveries False False N/A Many-to-one The DELIVERIES Dataset is linked to the USERS Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many deliveries associated to one user)


Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute status N/A False N/A True String Attribute that stores the state of the delivered message. Possible values are Queued, Processing, Pending, Delivered, or Error.
Attribute processing_time N/A False N/A False Integer Attribute that stores the duration in milliseconds from the time that the rule was triggered to when this state was set.
Link delivery history False False N/A Many-to-one The DELIVERY_HISTORY Dataset is linked to the DELIVERIES Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many delivery_histories associated to one delivery)


Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute name N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores the name that identifies the device, often based upon the MAC address of the device.
Attribute status N/A False N/A True String Attribute that stores the current registration status of the device. Possible values are Registered, Disconnected, Virtual, or Unregistered.
Attribute vendor N/A False N/A True String Attribute that stores the vendor of the device. For example, Cisco or XMPP.
Attribute ip_address N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the current IP address of the device. In some cases Engage needs to keep track of the IP address of a device, such as with a Cisco phone.
Attribute priority N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the priority level of the most recent message sent to a device. Required by the device management library, but not set by the XMPP adapter. It is used as a filter to prevent less important messages from being sent to a user currently handling a critical issue.
Attribute token N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores a special identifier needed by some devices, such as smart phones, in order to deliver a message.
Link history device False False N/A One-to-many The DEVICES Dataset is linked to the REGISTRATION_HISTORY Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one device associated to many registration_histories)
Link lines devices False False N/A One-to-many The DEVICES Dataset is linked to the LINES Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one device associated to many lines)
Link usr devices False False N/A Many-to-one The DEVICES Dataset is linked to the USERS Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many devices associated to one user)


Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute name N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores the unique name of the facility.
Link functional_roles facility False True N/A One-to-many The FACILITIES Dataset is linked to the FUNCTIONAL_ROLES Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one facility associated to many functional_roles)
Link locations facility False True N/A One-to-many The FACILITIES Dataset is linked to the LOCATIONS Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one facility associated to many locations)
Link presence_states facility False True N/A One-to-many The FACILITIES Dataset is linked to the PRESENCE_STATES Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one facility associated to many presence_states)
Link rooms facility False True N/A One-to-many The FACILITIES Dataset is linked to the ROOMS Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one facility associated to many rooms)
Link units facility False True N/A One-to-many The FACILITIES Dataset is linked to the UNITS Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one facility associated to many units)


Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute name N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores the name of the role.
Attribute location_type N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the type of location used on an assignment for which this functional role can be associated. Possible values are single-bed and multi-bed.
Link facility functional_roles True False N/A Many-to-one The FUNCTIONAL_ROLES Dataset is linked to the FACILITIES Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many functional_roles associated to one facility)
Link assignments role False False N/A One-to-many The FUNCTIONAL_ROLES Dataset is linked to the ASSIGNMENTS Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one functional_role associated to many assignments)

GROUPS Dataset

Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute name N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores the name of the group.
Link site groups True False N/A Many-to-one The GROUPS Dataset is linked to the SITES Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many groups associated to one site)
Link units groups False False N/A Many-to-many The GROUPS Dataset is linked to the UNITS Dataset, and the link order is m:n (many groups associated to many units)


Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute name N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores the name of the user's identity.
Link call_log_receipts recipient False True N/A One-to-many The IDENTITIES Dataset is linked to the CALL_LOG_RECEIPTS Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one identity associated to many call_log_receipts)
Link history member False False N/A One-to-many The IDENTITIES Dataset is linked to the CONVERSATION_HISTORY Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one identity associated to many conversation_histories)
Link message_deliveries recipient False True N/A One-to-many The IDENTITIES Dataset is linked to the MESSAGE_DELIVERIES Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one identity associated to many message_deliveries)
Link messages_for recipients False False N/A Many-to-many The IDENTITIES Dataset is linked to the MESSAGES Dataset, and the link order is m:n (many identities associated to many messages)
Link messages_sent from False False N/A One-to-many The IDENTITIES Dataset is linked to the MESSAGES Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one identity associated to many messages)
Link usr identities False False N/A Many-to-one The IDENTITIES Dataset is linked to the USERS Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many identities associated to one user)

LINES Dataset

Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute number N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores number
Link device_history line False False N/A One-to-many The LINES Dataset is linked to the REGISTRATION_HISTORY Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one line associated to many registration_histories)
Link devices lines False False N/A Many-to-one The LINES Dataset is linked to the DEVICES Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many lines associated to one device)


Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute location_id N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores the unique identifier for the location.
Link facility locations True False N/A Many-to-one The LOCATIONS Dataset is linked to the FACILITIES Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many locations associated to one facility)
Link assignments location False False N/A One-to-many The LOCATIONS Dataset is linked to the ASSIGNMENTS Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one location associated to many assignments)
Link places locs False False N/A Many-to-many The LOCATIONS Dataset is linked to the BEDS Dataset, and the link order is m:n (many locations associated to many beds)
Link units locations False False N/A Many-to-many The LOCATIONS Dataset is linked to the UNITS Dataset, and the link order is m:n (many locations associated to many units)


Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute uuid N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores the universally unique identifier of the message.
Attribute received_at N/A False N/A True Date/Time Attribute that stores the time at which the server received the message from the sending client.
Attribute sent_at N/A False N/A True Date/Time Attribute that stores the timestamp at which the message was sent by the client.
Attribute acknowledgeable N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores whether or not this message can be acknowledged by another message. Boolean values are 't' or 'f'.
Attribute elements N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the raw XML of elements other than the body in the message sent.
Attribute message N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the raw body content of the message.
Attribute nick N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the nickname of the user that sent the message.
Attribute state N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the state of the message. Possible values are expired, unknown, and valid.
Link acknowledged_by acknowledges False False N/A One-to-many The MESSAGES Dataset is linked to the MESSAGES Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one message associated to many messages)
Link acknowledges acknowledged_by False False N/A Many-to-one The MESSAGES Dataset is linked to the MESSAGES Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many messages associated to one message)
Link call_log_receipts message False True N/A One-to-many The MESSAGES Dataset is linked to the CALL_LOG_RECEIPTS Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one message associated to many call_log_receipts)
Link conversation messages False False N/A Many-to-one The MESSAGES Dataset is linked to the CONVERSATIONS Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many messages associated to one conversation)
Link deliveries message False False N/A One-to-many The MESSAGES Dataset is linked to the DELIVERIES Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one message associated to many deliveries)
Link from messages_sent False False N/A Many-to-one The MESSAGES Dataset is linked to the IDENTITIES Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many messages associated to one identity)
Link message_deliveries message False True N/A One-to-many The MESSAGES Dataset is linked to the MESSAGE_DELIVERIES Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one message associated to many message_deliveries)
Link recipients messages_for False False N/A Many-to-many The MESSAGES Dataset is linked to the IDENTITIES Dataset, and the link order is m:n (many messages associated to many identities)


Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute sent_at N/A False N/A True Date/Time Attribute that stores the time the server sent the message to the recipient.
Attribute acknowledged_at N/A False N/A False Date/Time Attribute that stores the time the recipient has manually acknowledged the message.
Attribute displayed_at N/A False N/A False Date/Time Attribute that stores the time the message was displayed on the recipient's device.
Attribute received_at N/A False N/A False Date/Time Attribute that stores the time the recipient received the message.
Link message message_deliveries True False N/A Many-to-one The MESSAGE_DELIVERIES Dataset is linked to the MESSAGES Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many message_deliveries associated to one message)
Link recipient message_deliveries True False N/A Many-to-one The MESSAGE_DELIVERIES Dataset is linked to the IDENTITIES Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many message_deliveries associated to one identity)


Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute mrn N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores the Medical Record Number of the patient.
Attribute admit_date N/A False N/A False Date/Time Attribute that stores the admission date of the patient.
Attribute dob N/A False N/A False Date Attribute that stores the date of birth of the patient.
Attribute first_name N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the first name of the patient.
Attribute last_name N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the last name of the patient.
Attribute sex N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the gender of the patient.
Attribute status N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the admission status of the patient.
Link conversations patient False False N/A One-to-many The PATIENTS Dataset is linked to the CONVERSATIONS Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one patient associated to many conversations)
Link current_place patient False False N/A One-to-one The PATIENTS Dataset is linked to the PLACES Dataset, and the link order is 1:1 (one patient associated to one place)

PLACES Dataset

Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Link patient current_place False False N/A One-to-one The PLACES Dataset is linked to the PATIENTS Dataset, and the link order is 1:1 (one place associated to one patient)


Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute changed_by N/A False N/A True String Attribute that stores indicates how the presence was changed. Possible values are user and system.
Attribute resource N/A False N/A True String Attribute that stores the resource portion of the JID to which the presence history applies.
Attribute sent_at N/A False N/A True Date/Time Attribute that stores the timestamp on the client device at which the message was generated.
Attribute show N/A False N/A True String Attribute that stores the current presence show value for the user.
Attribute status N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the current presence status text for the user.
Link usr presence_history False False N/A Many-to-one The PRESENCE_HISTORY Dataset is linked to the USERS Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many presence_histories associated to one user)


Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute show N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores the presence show value to be associated with the status message. Possible values are away, chat, dnd, and xa.
Attribute status N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores the custom presence status message.
Attribute duration N/A False N/A False Integer Attribute that stores the time (in minutes) to keep the user in the presence state.
Link facility presence_states True False N/A Many-to-one The PRESENCE_STATES Dataset is linked to the FACILITIES Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many presence_states associated to one facility)


Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute access_point N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the access point that the device is currently connected to.
Attribute application_version N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the device's version of Engage.
Attribute device_status N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the current registration status of the device.
Attribute hardware_version N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the device's hardware version.
Attribute ip_address N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the device's current IP address.
Attribute os_version N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the device's OS version.
Attribute previous_access_point N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the access point that the device was previously connected to.
Attribute previous_ip_address N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the device's previous IP address.
Attribute previous_wireless_strength N/A False N/A False Integer Attribute that stores the device's previous wireless signal strength in dBm.
Attribute token N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores some devices, such as smartphones, require a special identifier in order to receive a message. The token is used to store that special identifier.
Attribute uuid N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the device's universally unique identifier.
Attribute wireless_strength N/A False N/A False Integer Attribute that stores the device's current wireless signal strength in dBm.
Link device history False False N/A Many-to-one The REGISTRATION_HISTORY Dataset is linked to the DEVICES Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many registration_histories associated to one device)
Link line device_history False False N/A Many-to-one The REGISTRATION_HISTORY Dataset is linked to the LINES Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many registration_histories associated to one line)
Link usr device_history False False N/A Many-to-one The REGISTRATION_HISTORY Dataset is linked to the USERS Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many registration_histories associated to one user)

ROOMS Dataset

Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute room_number N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores the room number.
Link facility rooms True False N/A Many-to-one The ROOMS Dataset is linked to the FACILITIES Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many rooms associated to one facility)
Link beds room False True N/A One-to-many The ROOMS Dataset is linked to the BEDS Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one room associated to many beds)
Link unit rooms False False N/A Many-to-one The ROOMS Dataset is linked to the UNITS Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many rooms associated to one unit)

SITES Dataset

Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute name N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores the unique name for the site.
Link groups site False True N/A One-to-many The SITES Dataset is linked to the GROUPS Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one site associated to many groups)


Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute name N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores the short name identifying the template message.
Attribute text N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the full text of the template.
Link template_categories templates False False N/A Many-to-many The TEMPLATES Dataset is linked to the TEMPLATE_CATEGORIES Dataset, and the link order is m:n (many templates associated to many template_categories)
Link users templates False False N/A Many-to-many The TEMPLATES Dataset is linked to the USERS Dataset, and the link order is m:n (many templates associated to many users)


Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute name N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores the unique name of the template category.
Link templates template_categories False False N/A Many-to-many The TEMPLATE_CATEGORIES Dataset is linked to the TEMPLATES Dataset, and the link order is m:n (many template_categories associated to many templates)
Link units template_categories False False N/A Many-to-many The TEMPLATE_CATEGORIES Dataset is linked to the UNITS Dataset, and the link order is m:n (many template_categories associated to many units)

UNITS Dataset

Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute name N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores the unique name for a unit in a facility.
Link facility units True False N/A Many-to-one The UNITS Dataset is linked to the FACILITIES Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many units associated to one facility)
Link groups units False False N/A Many-to-many The UNITS Dataset is linked to the GROUPS Dataset, and the link order is m:n (many units associated to many groups)
Link locations units False False N/A Many-to-many The UNITS Dataset is linked to the LOCATIONS Dataset, and the link order is m:n (many units associated to many locations)
Link rooms unit False False N/A One-to-many The UNITS Dataset is linked to the ROOMS Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one unit associated to many rooms)
Link template_categories units False False N/A Many-to-many The UNITS Dataset is linked to the TEMPLATE_CATEGORIES Dataset, and the link order is m:n (many units associated to many template_categories)
Link users unit False False N/A One-to-many The UNITS Dataset is linked to the USERS Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one unit associated to many users)

USERS Dataset

Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute login N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores the login name of the user.
Attribute email N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the email address of the user.
Attribute first_name N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the first name of the user.
Attribute last_name N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the last name of the user.
Attribute middle_initials N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the initials of any middle names of the user.
Attribute photo N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the Base-64 encoded photo of the user.
Attribute photo_type N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the content type of the photo.
Attribute preferred_font_size N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the user's preferred font size. Possible values are medium or large.
Attribute presence_show N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the current presence show value for the user.
Attribute presence_status N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the current presence status message for the user.
Attribute reference_name N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores full name of user
Attribute title N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the title of the user.
Link assignments usr False False N/A One-to-many The USERS Dataset is linked to the ASSIGNMENTS Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one user associated to many assignments)
Link bookmarks bookmarked_users False False N/A Many-to-many The USERS Dataset is linked to the CONVERSATIONS Dataset, and the link order is m:n (many users associated to many conversations)
Link conversations members False False N/A Many-to-many The USERS Dataset is linked to the CONVERSATIONS Dataset, and the link order is m:n (many users associated to many conversations)
Link deliveries usr False False N/A One-to-many The USERS Dataset is linked to the DELIVERIES Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one user associated to many deliveries)
Link device_history usr False False N/A One-to-many The USERS Dataset is linked to the REGISTRATION_HISTORY Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one user associated to many registration_histories)
Link devices usr False False N/A One-to-many The USERS Dataset is linked to the DEVICES Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one user associated to many devices)
Link identities usr False False N/A One-to-many The USERS Dataset is linked to the IDENTITIES Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one user associated to many identities)
Link presence_history usr False False N/A One-to-many The USERS Dataset is linked to the PRESENCE_HISTORY Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one user associated to many presence_histories)
Link team_conversations team_members False False N/A Many-to-many The USERS Dataset is linked to the CONVERSATIONS Dataset, and the link order is m:n (many users associated to many conversations)
Link templates users False False N/A Many-to-many The USERS Dataset is linked to the TEMPLATES Dataset, and the link order is m:n (many users associated to many templates)
Link unit users False False N/A Many-to-one The USERS Dataset is linked to the UNITS Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many users associated to one unit)