Viewing the Vocera SpectraLink XML Adapter Requirements

The minimum requirements for a Vocera SpectraLink XML Adapter installation are described here.


This Vocera SpectraLink XML Adapter depends on the Vocera Platform 6.1.0 and greater.

This adapter is supported on Engage Platform version 5.5.x or greater.

Lines and Devices

One device is required per line that is registered with Vocera Platform. Vocera will send messages to one device using a unique line. Multiple devices cannot receive messages from the same line.

Rule Configuration

Any rule configured for the Vocera SpectraLink XML Adapter must be configured with an execute priority of Critical. If a rule is configured with an execute priority of Normal, the alert will only be sent when the phone is in an idle state.


An adapter defines a default Dataset structure in order to function. Attributes are organized by Datasets and store the information required by the adapter. Adapters use this data during the process of receiving and sending messages.

Not all adapters require Datasets to function. When an adapter does require Datasets, the system will determine if they already exist. If they do not exist, the system will create the needed Datasets.

When creating or editing an adapter, use the following information to select the appropriate datasets in the Required Datasets section.


Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute number N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores the phone number that a call was placed from or to.
Attribute caller_id N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the caller ID of a person making or receiving a phone call.
Link call called_parties True False N/A Many-to-one The CALLED_PARTIES Dataset is linked to the CALLS Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many called_parties associated to one call)

CALLS Dataset

Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute call_id N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores the ID of a call. Not to be confused with caller ID. This is an internal Call Manager identifier.
Attribute established N/A False N/A True Date/Time Attribute that stores time when the call was established.
Attribute number N/A False N/A True String Attribute that stores the phone number that a call was placed from or to.
Attribute status N/A False N/A True String Attribute that stores the status of the call. One of INITIATING, CONNECTING, RINGING, ANSWERED, COMPLETED, or FAILED.
Attribute caller_id N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the caller ID of a person making or receiving a phone call.
Attribute duration N/A False N/A False Integer Attribute that stores the length of a call.
Link called_parties call False True N/A One-to-many The CALLS Dataset is linked to the CALLED_PARTIES Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one call associated to many called_parties)


Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute name N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores the name that identifies the device, often based upon the MAC Address of the device.
Attribute status N/A False N/A True String Attribute that stores interfaces will keep track of the status of each device. This is current status of the device. For example, registered or unregistered.
Attribute vendor N/A False N/A True String Attribute that stores the vendor of the device. For example, Cisco or Apple.
Attribute ip_address N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores in some cases EXTENSION needs to keep track of the current ip_address of a device, such a Cisco phone. The ip address is stored here.
Attribute priority N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the priority level of the most recent message sent to a device will be retained in order to be used as filter to prevent less important messages from being sent to a user currently handling a critical issue.
Attribute token N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores some devices, such as smartphones, require a special identifier in order to receive a message. The token is used to store that special identifier.
Link history device False False N/A One-to-many The DEVICES Dataset is linked to the REGISTRATION_HISTORY Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one device associated to many registration_histories)
Link lines devices False False N/A One-to-many The DEVICES Dataset is linked to the LINES Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one device associated to many lines)
Link usr devices False False N/A Many-to-one The DEVICES Dataset is linked to the USERS Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many devices associated to one user)

LINES Dataset

Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute number N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores an actual telephone or directory number
Link device_history line False False N/A One-to-many The LINES Dataset is linked to the REGISTRATION_HISTORY Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one line associated to many registration_histories)
Link devices lines False False N/A Many-to-one The LINES Dataset is linked to the DEVICES Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many lines associated to one device)


Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute timestamp N/A True N/A N/A Date/Time Attribute that stores the time this PresenceUpdate record was created.
Attribute show N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the show of the presence to set.
Attribute status N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the status of the presence to set.
Link usr presence_updates True False N/A Many-to-one The PRESENCE_UPDATE Dataset is linked to the USERS Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many presence_updates associated to one user)


Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute device_status N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the current registration status of the device.
Attribute ip_address N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the device's current IP address.
Attribute token N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores some devices, such as smartphones, require a special identifier in order to receive a message. The token is used to store that special identifier.
Link device history False False N/A Many-to-one The REGISTRATION_HISTORY Dataset is linked to the DEVICES Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many registration_histories associated to one device)
Link line device_history False False N/A Many-to-one The REGISTRATION_HISTORY Dataset is linked to the LINES Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many registration_histories associated to one line)
Link usr device_history False False N/A Many-to-one The REGISTRATION_HISTORY Dataset is linked to the USERS Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many registration_histories associated to one user)

USERS Dataset

Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute login N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores the identifying name used when a person wishes to login to EXTENSION
Attribute presence_show N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the current presence state.
Attribute presence_status N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the current presence message to display.
Link device_history usr False False N/A One-to-many The USERS Dataset is linked to the REGISTRATION_HISTORY Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one user associated to many registration_histories)
Link devices usr False False N/A One-to-many The USERS Dataset is linked to the DEVICES Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one user associated to many devices)
Link presence_updates usr False True N/A One-to-many The USERS Dataset is linked to the PRESENCE_UPDATE Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one user associated to many presence_updates)