Modifying Dataset Rules

Modify the example rules and conditions on datasets as needed for the facility to enable staff assignments based on functional roles.

Data Update adapter instances must be created in order to be able to build Data Update Rules for the solution. The adapter and rules in the Vocera Platform solution are disabled by default.

See the Vocera Platform Dataset Guide in the Vocera Documentation Portal for detailed instruction on working with datasets and rules.

Configure DataUpdate Rules on Assignments Dataset

The DataUpdate for FunctionalRoles adapter and the associated rules in the Assignments dataset are only used when the Vocera Platform staff assignment system is not managing functional roles. The rules included in the standard configuration are provided only as an example of how functional roles can be managed based on the level and unit of an assignment. Always review and update the conditions used and the parameter values set by each rule before making a rule active. Additional rules may be created to manage functional roles as needed.

The Assignments dataset is shown below with the Rules section expanded. Note that the "Filter Inactive Rules" checkbox is selected, displaying the DataUpdate for FunctionalRoles adapter rules.

Select the Link functional roles for level 1 caregiver rule to examine the Data Update Parameters section.

The Adapter Settings section of the selected rule contains the configuration parameters. A Data Update adapter rule is configured with a set of attribute paths and respective values. When a rule is triggered, the path is evaluated relative to the object that triggered the rule. A value can be literal or a template (using the '#{}' notation) containing an expression which is evaluated relative to the triggering object when the rule is triggered.

In this example, the Primary Caregiver role will be assigned when the trigger conditions for a staff assignment of level one for a unit location are met.

Disable DataUpdate Rules on Beds Dataset

When using ResponderSync, some DataUpdate rules on the Beds dataset should be disabled, as all location modifications are managed through the ResponderSync system.

Ensure the following rules are disabled when using ResponderSync:

The default solution is configured for Vocera Platform Staff Assignment, in which DataUpdate rules on the Beds dataset are used to create and maintain matching Locations, based on the bed having a unit. These two rules in the default configuration must be disabled when the facility uses ResponderSync staff assignment.