Configuring the Nihon Kohden Communications Gateway

The Nihon Kohden Communication Gateway Server (CGS) runs as a Windows Service and is configured by editing the Windows Registry.

Configure the PagerURL to be the value displayed as the Pager Service URL for the adapter after it is created. See Viewing the Pager Service URL to view this configuration as displayed in the adapter.

Enter the URL into the registry exactly as it is displayed within the Vocera appliance, including the interface ID query parameter.

  1. Edit the Vocera Platform registry.
    1. Launch Regedit.
    2. Search for, or navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > PagerGwy.
  2. Configure the Registry Keys

    Configure registry keys to provide the desired patient content, such as the following example.

    • Patient ID
    • Patient Name
    • Vital Sign Value
    • Wave Image
    • Leads Off
    Registry Key Name Type Default Value (if key does nto exist)
    IncludePatientID DWORD 0 (FALSE)
    IncludePatientName DWORD 1 (TRUE)
    IncludeVitalSignValue DWORD 1 (TRUE)
    IncludeWaveImage DWORD 1 (TRUE)
    IncludeLeadsOff DWORD 1 (TRUE)