Understanding a Vocera Media Adapter Configuration

The Vocera Media Adapter provides a mechanism by which other adapters (such as the Vocera XMPP Adapter) can store images and other large files.

Adapters send information to and receive information from the Vocera Platform, as well as monitor and collect data. Each adapter is configured to allow the Vocera Platform to communicate with a specific type of resource and any devices that resource may control.

It provides a mechanism to allow media metadata to be stored in the core database while keeping the media content itself on a device better suited to storing them such as the Media appliance, or on the facility's network if the storage needs are large.

Unlike most other Vocera adapters, the Vocera Media Adapter is intended for use as an OSGi service by other parts of the Vocera Platform. The Vocera Media Adapter's external access is through an OSGi service defined by a Java interface. The Java interface provides the ability to store a media object, along with associated metadata, and retrieve that metadata, the media, and/or a media thumbnail. The metadata (but not the media data) is stored in a core dataset, along with information to allow the media itself to be retrieved from the media storage provider.

In the figure below, installers can see how information and data is communicated between systems.