Creating Media Dataset Conditions

Conditions created on the Media dataset may specify criteria to identify when media data should be deleted from the Media appliance in order to manage data volume.

The Vocera Platform appliance can be configured to enable deletion of media data from the Media appliance. Conditions created on the Media dataset may specify criteria identifying when media data should be deleted from the Media appliance. This is needed to manage the data volume accumulated with media, given server storage size limitations. Vocera Platform generally recommends storing media data for no more than 72 hours, however, the customer may provide the storage criteria to meet their needs.

Once the media deletion conditions and filters are defined on the Media dataset, they are used in the Vocera Media Adapter configuration to implement the customer's media data deletion strategy. Follow the instructions in this page to create a deletion condition on the Media dataset for use by the Vocera Media Adapter.

Create the Dataset Condition

In the Vocera Platform Web Console, select the Datasets tab and open the Media dataset.

Click on Conditions to expand the tab, then select Add a condition as shown below.

Enter the following information in the Condition fields as shown below, then select Create. Vocera Platform recommends that the Name include underscores, and the Description contain the same text with spaces in place of underscores.

Expand the new condition and select Add a filter.

Enter the following information in the Condition's Filter fields as shown below, then select Create.

The completed condition and filter enable the identification of media data 72 hours after it is received on the Media appliance.

This condition can be edited as needed to implement the customer's deletion strategy. You can use the steps in this page to create additional conditions for use in the Vocera Media Adapter.

Configure the Vocera Media Adapter with the New Condition

Once created, the Media dataset conditions are then available for use in a Vocera Media Adapter configuration. In the Vocera Platform Web Console, navigate to the Adapter tab and select the Vocera Media Adapter.

In Edit mode, scroll down to the Media Deletion section shown below. Next to Deletion Conditions, click Add to display a dropdown list of datasets and conditions.

Select a deletion condition configured on the Media dataset, such as the "Media_was_created_some_time_ago" deletion condition created above.

Once this adapter update has been saved to the system, media data will be removed from storage as defined for the customer's configuration.