Configuring a Vocera Media Adapter

Description of the settings that enable direct communication between the Vocera Media Adapter and the Vocera Platform.

Select an empty field and begin typing, or select an existing value and type over it. To keep an existing value, do not edit that field.
  1. Access the Vocera Platform Web Console and navigate to the adapters.
  2. Select New Adapter in the Action menu, or select an adapter you wish to configure and then select Edit, to display the configuration fields. The configuration fields are the same for new and existing adapters.
  3. Navigate to the New Adapter option, or navigate to an existing adapter to edit. See Creating a New Adapter and Editing an Adapter for instruction as needed.
    The configuration fields are the same for new and existing adapters.
  4. Complete the configuration fields as described in the table.
    Configuration Field Description
    Component Name Click the Component Name field to display a list of the systems and devices that the Vocera Platform currently supports. Select the name of the adapter to create.
    Reference Name Enter a short descriptive name in the Reference Name field to uniquely identify an adapter instance. It may demonstrate the adapter function or other information; for example, Production adapter may differentiate a live adapter from a development or "sandbox" adapter.
    Enabled Select the Enabled checkbox to allow the Vocera Platform to use the new adapter. The Vocera Platform ignores the adapter if this option is disabled.
    Warning: Only one Vocera Media Adapter configuration can be active at a time.
    Required Datasets If more than one dataset exists that meets the adapter's requirements, select the appropriate datasets for the new adapter to function correctly. The system searches for the datasets that meet the adapters requirements. If the datasets already exist, the system will use them. If the datasets do not exist, the system will create them automatically. Select Create in the drop-down menu to create a new dataset to meet the organization's requirements.
  5. Complete the Main Settings configuration fields as described in the table.
    Main Settings Configuration Field Description
    Storage Provider

    Select the storage provider to store the media from a list of storage providers available in the system. This field is required. The SMB File System Storage option provides access to a remote storage device (e.g., the Media appliance or network-attached storage/NAS) via the Windows File Sharing protocol (also known as SMB or CIFS).

    Storage Location/URL

    Enter the location where the storage provider will store the media. This option depends upon the storage provider selected above. When SMB File System Storage is selected, the storage location will be a share in the following format: //host/share/[/directory/...]. The hostname is preferred, but the IP address is acceptable.

    Storage User Name

    Enter the user name provided to access the media storage system underlying the storage provider at the given location. When SMB File System Storage is selected above, enter the user name in the following format: username[\workgroup], where workgroup is an optional workgroup name.

    Storage Password

    Enter the password used to access the media storage system underlying the storage provider at the given location.

  6. Complete the Media Deletion configuration fields as described in the table.

    The Vocera Platform appliance can be configured to enable the deletion of media data from the Media appliance.

    Conditions created on the Media dataset may specify criteria identifying when media data should be deleted from the Media appliance. This is needed to manage the data volume accumulated with media, given server storage size limitations. Vocera Platform generally recommends storing media data for no more than 72 hours, however, the customer may provide the storage criteria to meet their needs.

    Select a deletion condition in this Media Deletion section. This field is required. Click the "Select a condition" field as shown below to display the list of dataset conditions that exist on the Vocera Platform appliance.

    Media Deletion Configuration Field Description
    Deletion Conditions

    Select a dataset conditon from the Deletion Conditions dropdown list. This field is required.

    The "Select a condition" list displays all the dataset conditions that exist on the Vocera Platform appliance.

    Click Add to specify an additional condition on the Media dataset for which to delete media data. Select Remove if you do not wish to use the specified condition to determine media data deletion.

  7. Select one of the available options to exit the adapter configuration page. See Saving an Adapter for details.