Viewing the Vocera LDAP Adapter Requirements

A Vocera LDAP Adapter uses these minimum requirements in a Vocera Platform installation.


The Vocera LDAP Adapter is designed to connect Vocera Platform to one LDAP server per organization.


Vocera Platform uses port 389/tcp to communicate with the facility's LDAP server and uses port 636/tcp for SSL communication.


An adapter defines a default Dataset structure in order to function. Attributes are organized by Datasets and store the information required by the adapter. Adapters use this data during the process of receiving and sending messages.

Not all adapters require Datasets to function. When an adapter does require Datasets, the system will determine if they already exist. If they do not exist, the system will create the needed Datasets.

When creating or editing an adapter, use the following information to select the appropriate datasets in the Required Datasets section.

ACTORS Dataset

Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Link groups actor False True N/A One-to-many The ACTORS Dataset is linked to the GROUP_MEMBERS Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one actor associated to many group_members)

GROUPS Dataset

Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute name N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores the name of the group.
Attribute ldap_dn N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores the distinguished name of the group in LDAP.
Link site groups True False N/A Many-to-one The GROUPS Dataset is linked to the SITES Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many groups associated to one site)
Link members group False True N/A One-to-many The GROUPS Dataset is linked to the GROUP_MEMBERS Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one group associated to many group_members)


Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Link actor groups True False N/A Many-to-one The GROUP_MEMBERS Dataset is linked to the ACTORS Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many group_members associated to one actor)
Link group members True False N/A Many-to-one The GROUP_MEMBERS Dataset is linked to the GROUPS Dataset, and the link order is n:1 (many group_members associated to one group)

SITES Dataset

Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute name N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores the unique name for the site.
Link groups site False True N/A One-to-many The SITES Dataset is linked to the GROUPS Dataset, and the link order is 1:n (one site associated to many groups)

USERS Dataset

Element Name Reverse Name Key Reverse Key Required Type Description
Attribute login N/A True N/A N/A String Attribute that stores the login name of the user.
Attribute active N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores whether or not the user's account is enabled.
Attribute ldap_dn N/A False N/A False String Attribute that stores internal use only.