Configuring a Vocera Incoming WCTP Adapter

These settings enable direct communication between the Vocera Incoming WCTP Adapter and the Vocera Platform.

Select an empty field and begin typing, or select an existing value and type over it. To keep an existing value, do not edit that field.

  1. Access the Vocera Platform Web Console and navigate to the adapters.
  2. Select New Adapter in the Action menu, or select an adapter you wish to configure and then select Edit, to display the configuration fields. The configuration fields are the same for new and existing adapters.
  3. Navigate to the New Adapter option, or navigate to an existing adapter to edit. See Creating a New Adapter and Editing an Adapter for instruction as needed.
    The configuration fields are the same for new and existing adapters.
  4. Complete the configuration fields as described in the table.
    Configuration Field Description
    Component Name Click the Component Name field to display a list of the systems and devices that the Vocera Platform currently supports. Select the name of the adapter to create.
    Reference Name Enter a short descriptive name in the Reference Name field to uniquely identify an adapter instance. It may demonstrate the adapter function or other information; for example, Production adapter may differentiate a live adapter from a development or "sandbox" adapter.
    Enabled Select the Enabled checkbox to allow the Vocera Platform to use the new adapter. The Vocera Platform ignores the adapter if this option is disabled.

    Once an adapter is created, edit this checkbox to activate or deactivate an adapter in the system.

    Required Datasets

    If more than one dataset exists that meets the adapter's requirements, select the appropriate datasets for the new adapter to function correctly.

    The system searches for the datasets that meet the adapters requirements. If the datasets already exist, the system will use them. If the datasets do not exist, the system will create them automatically.

    Select Create in the drop-down menu to create a new dataset to meet the organization's requirements.

  5. Complete the Main Settings configuration fields as described in the table.

    The settings described in this section provide the Vocera Platform with the explicit information required for connectivity with the inbound WCTP server. This section allows setting two values, both of which are optional and non-exportable; Sender Patterns and Security Code.

    Use the descriptions provided in this section to complete the Main Settings configuration fields.

    Main Settings Description
    Sender Patterns Enter the regular expressions to be matched to the senderID for incoming messages. If none are specified, then this configuration will handle any message which is not handled by another active configuration.
    Security Code

    Enter the WCTP securityCode value expected on incoming requests that support it, which are primarily messages. This value is also used on outbound messages (e.g., responses and status updates) which support it.

    This field is optional; however, if a security code is specified then the incoming message will require the correct security code or the message will be rejected. If a security code is not specified, then all incoming messages will be accepted.

    Report Non-Matching Messages as Audit Events Check this box to create an audit log entry when a message is received but fails to successfully match any of the specified message types.
    Message Timeout Enter the amount of time (in minutes) to wait between messages before reporting a message timeout audit event.
  6. Complete the Message Types configuration fields as described in the table.

    At least one message type must be configured. The message types are part of the exported settings.

    Although only one message type is required to create the adapter, Implementation Specialists may add, clone, or modify message types as needed. If there are multiple message types configured, one or more can be deleted. Message types can be reordered by dragging and dropping each into the preferred order.

    See Understading Regular Expressions for an overview explanation and examples of Regex code and mappings.

    Message Type Fields Description
    Reference Name Enter a descriptive name for the message type (e.g., for audit messages). This field is required.
    Active Select the Active checkbox to indicate whether or not the message type is active. Message types that are not marked Active are ignored by the adapter.
    Discard Messages

    Select the Discard Messages checkbox to not process the alarm message received if it matches this specific message type. Message types may be created for alarm messages which are expected to be received but are of no interest; by marking these for discard, the messages may be filtered from the audit log.

    Matched messages are treated as if they did not match any message type, with the exception of auditing.

    Starting Dataset Select the dataset from which all paths/expressions are calculated and into which the message's data should be stored. Not available for discarding message types, otherwise this field is required.
    Message Regex Enter a regular expression to match to the message text (after any decoding) of a message received from a WCTP endpoint. This is used to determine which message type matches the message. This field is required.
    Message Mapping

    Enter a standard mapping for the message content (via the Message Regex specified) which determines how to store its information relative to the starting dataset. Not available for discarding message types, otherwise this field is required.

    Specify one or more attributes or paths, one per line, to be filled with data from the above regex. Two attribute mapping patterns are supported; plain attribute list, and statement of equality.

    Plain attribute list: Each item in the mapping is a simple attribute path. The first capture group of the matched regular expression is used as the value of the first attribute path in the list, and so on. The number of capture groups in the regex must match the number of attribute paths in the list. The syntax is dataset_link_attribute_name.attribute_name, or dataset_attribute_name.

    Statement of equality: The left-hand side of the statement is the attribute path, while the right-hand side is the value that the attribute path should be set to. On the right, use numbered captured groups (such as $1) to reference elements matched, or literal strings. The syntax is dataset_link_attribute_name.attribute_name=LITERAL, or dataset_attribute_name=$1, or example_with_two_capture_groups=$2:$1.

    Message Key Path

    Enter the attribute path (relative to the starting dataset) that specifies the location in which the "global identifier" for the message should be stored, so that responses and status updates can be sent. Not available for discarding message types, otherwise this field is required.

    First, configure a link attribute between the chosen Starting Dataset, and the AlertMetaData datasets. Then, in the Message Key Path field in the Incoming WCTP adapter, enter <link_name>.message_key. For example, create a link attribute named meta_data on the Clinicals dataset.

    Then the Message Key Path field uses the configured link attribute (meta_data) to specify the message location, meta_data.message_key, as shown.

    Sender ID Path

    Enter the location in which to store the senderID specified in the message. This field is optional.

    While the Sender ID is already stored in the 'AlertMetaData' dataset, this field allows for optionally storing the Sender ID directly off of the alert.

    The Sender ID Path field allows the system to store the sender ID in the specified attribute on the specified starting dataset. Additionally, the sender ID is also stored in the sender_id attribute of the AlertMetaData dataset regardless of what is specified in this field.

    Recipient ID Path

    Enter the location in which to store the recipientID specified in the message. This field is optional.

    While the Recipient ID is already stored in the 'AlertMetaData' dataset, this field allows for optionally storing the Recipient ID directly off of the alert.

    The Recipient ID Path field allows the system to store the Recipient ID in the specified attribute on the specified starting dataset. Additionally, the Recipient ID is also stored in the recipient_id attribute of the AlertMetaData dataset regardless of what is specified in this field.

    Priority Path Enter the location into which to store the priority specified in the message. This field is optional.
    Link For Responses

    Specify the link to the ResponseOptions dataset that will be used to store all possible response options. Typing in this field will display the Response Type Matching configuration fields described below.

    Use this field when collecting all possible responses for reuse. Once these are stored, specific responses that you will be reusing can be called by the adapter. Configure a link between the Starting Dataset and the ResponseOptions datasets to store the responses.

    For example, create a link attribute from ResponseOptions to Alerts called response_options.

    The response_options link can be used in the Response Type Matching through the path entered in the Link for Responses field.

    Response Type Matching Enter the link to the ResponseOptions dataset where the matching responses will be stored. This field is optional. Click the Add button to display the configuration fields for response matching.
    Report Non-Matching Responses as Audit Events Check this box to create an audit log entry when a message contains responses but fails to successfully match to one or more of the specified response types.
    Response Regex Enter the regex to match a response type. This field is required for each Response Type added.
    Response Link Enter the name of the link on the starting dataset through which the response will be associated. This field is required for each Response Type added.
    Add Message Type

    Select Add to create additional message types.

    Clone Message Type

    Select Clone to create a duplicate of the selected message type. The reference name of the cloned message type will automatically be unique, and will be set as inactive by default.

    Remove Message Type

    If one or more message type is created, the ability to remove a message type becomes active. Select Remove to delete the message type from the adapter configuration.

  7. Select one of the available options to exit the adapter configuration page. See Saving an Adapter for details.