Integrating the Vocera Incoming VMI Adapter

View a deployment diagram, and a list of supported/unsupported request operations.

This deployment diagram shows how the Vocera Incoming VMI Adapter fits within the Vocera appliance and a hospital environment.

Unsupported Requests

Unsupported operations will result in a failure confirmation message using the response code rcFailure. Current implementations that use the VMI protocol may find the following list of request operations useful for troubleshooting.

View this table to confirm whether a particular request operation is supported in database mode or direct forwarding mode.

Request Database Mode Direct Forwarding Mode
Open Supported Supported
ClientIdentification Supported Supported
Message Supported Supported
DeleteMessage Not Supported Supported
AddToGroup Not Supported Not Supported
LogEvent Not Supported Not Supported
QueryGroup Not Supported Not Supported
QueryUser Not Supported Not Supported
RemoveFromGroup Not Supported Not Supported