Using the Additional Functionality in the Vocera HL7 Adapter

View inbound message statistics, download a log of HL7 messages received, or test the configured connections in the Vocera HL7 Adapter.

Adapter Statistics

Inbound message statistics display in the sidebar in the adapter details page under Adapter Statistics.

The number of messages received, processed, and sent since the adapter was last started are shown in this statistics summary. The number of messages waiting to be processed and to be sent are displayed as the inbound and outbound queue depth, respectively.

Click the Refresh button to display the latest statistics.

HL7 Message Logs

You can download a log of HL7 messages received by this adapter for a specified time range. The adapter must be running to download a message log file. Click the select box to display a list of message logs.

Select a message log from the list displayed in the dropdown menu. The browser will display a dialog allowing you to save or open the download file.

Additional HL7 Actions

You can send a sample HL7 message over any one of the configured connections for testing purposes in the Additional HL7 Actions section.

Select the connection you wish to test in the dropdown list, and paste a sample HL7 message in the text field. Click the Send Message button to test the connection configuration.

Once sent, the message status displays below the button; the test message was sent successfully in this example.