Configuring a Vocera Hillrom Subscriber Adapter

Description of the settings that enable direct communication between the Vocera Hillrom Subscriber Adapter and the Vocera Platform.

Select an empty field and begin typing, or select an existing value and type over it. To keep an existing value, do not edit that field.
  1. Access the Vocera Platform Web Console and navigate to the adapters.
  2. Select New Adapter in the Action menu, or select an adapter you wish to configure and then select Edit, to display the configuration fields. The configuration fields are the same for new and existing adapters.
  3. Navigate to the New Adapter option, or navigate to an existing adapter to edit. See Creating a New Adapter and Editing an Adapter for instruction as needed.
    The configuration fields are the same for new and existing adapters.
  4. Complete the configuration fields as described in the table.
    Configuration Field Description
    Component Name Click the Component Name field to display a list of the systems and devices that the Vocera Platform currently supports. Select the name of the adapter to create.
    Reference Name Enter a short descriptive name in the Reference Name field to uniquely identify an adapter instance. It may demonstrate the adapter function or other information; for example, Production adapter may differentiate a live adapter from a development or "sandbox" adapter.
    Enabled Select the Enabled checkbox to allow the Vocera Platform to use the new adapter. The Vocera Platform ignores the adapter if this option is disabled.
    Required Datasets

    If more than one dataset exists that meets the adapter's requirements, select the appropriate datasets for the new adapter to function correctly.

    The system searches for the datasets that meet the adapters requirements. If the datasets already exist, the system will use them. If the datasets do not exist, the system will create them automatically.

    Select Create in the drop-down menu to create a new dataset to meet the organization's requirements.

  5. Complete the General Settings configuration fields as described in the table.

    The General Settings described here provide the Vocera Platform with the explicit information required to communicate with the customer's servers, such as URL information.

    General Settings Configuration Field Description

    Enter the URL of the Clinical Staff Assignment service to communicate with this adapter. The Vocera Platform appliance will connect to this address on the Hill-Rom server.

    Heartbeat Period

    Enter the amount of time in minutes that should pass between the sending of heartbeat messages to the Clinical Staff Assignment service.

    Expect Pending Assignments

    Select this checkbox when the staff assignment service is expected to send assignments with a future timestamp (a pending assignment). Select this option if state transitions will be handled by another process, and the staff assignment service can send pending assignments.

    Assignment Adapter Identifier

    Enter the identifier to use in assignments created by this adapter. This can be used to identify this adapter's identifiers to Assignment Manager if it is in use. By default, this uses the adapter's ID number. Once assignments have been created, changing this value will require updating the existing assignments' adapter identifier.

    User and Location Identification

    Select the appropriate choice from the dropdown list to specify how the adapter should use the Staff and Location IDs in creating identifiers for the Users, Locations, and Assignments. Changing this identifier after objects have been added by this adapter requires updating the existing identifiers to match.

    The choices displayed in the dropdown list are:

    • Legacy: Uses the prefix and object ID; this is not recommended for new instances.
    • Unique by Adapter: Uses the adapter ID as part of the key to make them truly unique.
    • Staff ID as Login: Uses the adapter ID as part of the key to make them unique, except the staff ID is assumed to be the user's login.
    Managed Line Regex

    Enter a regex (see Understanding Regular Expressions for additional information.) to match the lines that should be managed by this adapter when assigning users to lines. This is useful where the Clinical Staff Assignment service is not sending line numbers in the device ID. For example, it may be supplying user names as device numbers.

    Managed Device Vendors

    Enter a list of device vendor types to be managed by this adapter when assigning users to lines. If another adapter is managing user-to-device assignment, do not list that vendor type here.

    For example, when "Associate Users" is set in the device workflow to enable CUCM to manage user-to-device mappings for Cisco devices, do not list CUCM in the Managed Device Vendors field below. The following table describes the conditions under which Hill-Rom should manage device mapping.


    Enter the device types specified by the facility. If no devices are specified, this adapter will not manage device assignments.

    Use this table as a guide to determine device assignment management:

    Adapter Name Vendor Managed by Hill-Rom?
    Ascom Ascom Yes, unless user-to-device mapping is permanently made through the device workflow
    CUCM Cisco Yes, unless Cisco Extension Mobility is used, or user-to-device mapping is permanently made through the device workflow
    Smartphone Apple, Android No. Smartphone always manages the device mapping
    SpectraLink XML SpectraLinkXML Yes, unless SpectraLink User Profiles are used, or user-to-device mapping is permanently made through the device workflow
    Outgoing WCTP WCTP No. Outgoing WCTP always manages the device mapping
    XMPP XMPP No. XMPP always manages the device mapping
  6. Complete the Subscriber Settings configuration fields as described in the table.

    The Hill-Rom Clinical Staff Assignment API exposes clinical staff data from a publishing system to one or more subscribing systems, such as Vocera Platform. The following configuration is required for Vocera Platform to subscribe to the clinical data published by Hill-Rom.

    The Subscriber Settings are part of the address that will be used by the Hill-Rom service to make calls back to the Vocera Platform appliance. Once the new adapter is saved, and has started running on the appliance, the full URL can be seen on the adapter's Details screen.

    Subscriber Settings Configuration Field Description
    Protocol Scheme

    Select the protocol scheme from the dropdown list that the Clinical Staff Assignment service should use when invoking publisher operations. Current dropdown options include HTTP and HTTPS.


    Enter the hostname or IP address that the Clinical Staff Assignment service should use when invoking publisher operations. If this field is empty, the FQDN of the appliance is used by default.


    Enter the port that the Clinical Staff Assignment service should use when invoking publisher operations. If left blank, the default for the selected Protocol Scheme is used: 80 for HTTP, and 443 for HTTPS. The entered value must be a number between 1 and 65535.

    Subscriber Timeout

    Enter the number of minutes the adapter waits for an update. After this timeout threshold is passed, the adapter assumes that the subscription is no longer active and restarts it.

  7. Complete the Security Token Settings configuration fields as described in the table.

    The Clinical Staff Assignment services are secured using a two-part mechanism where the publishing system licenses the subscribing systems with a shared secret; an HMAC-256 bit symmetric key is generated. An administrator of the Hill-Rom Clinical Staff Assignment service should provide the values to configure the Security Token fields.

    Security Token Settings Configuration Field Description

    Enter a string that identifies this adapter configuration when making a request to the Clinical Staff Assignment service.


    Enter a string that identifies the Clinical Staff Assignment service when receiving updates from the Clinical Staff Assignment service.

    Key-Based 64 Encoded Select this checkbox if the key is encoded in Base-64

    Enter the key used to encode a security token that authenticates messages exchanged with the Clinical Staff Assignment service.


    Enter the length of time (in the range of 1-3600 seconds) that the security token is valid.

  8. Complete the Location Types fields as described in the table below.
    Table 1.
    Configuration Field Description
    Reference Name Enter a descriptive name to identify the location type. This field is required.
    Active Select this checkbox to indicate whether or not the location type is active.
    Facility Regex Enter the regular expression to capture values from the facility. This field is required. The regular expression can use numbered captured groups (e.g. $1) to reference elements matched, but may also include literal strings.
    Facility Mapping Specify the value that facility mapping will be set to. The regular expression can use numbered captured groups (e.g. $1) to reference elements matched, but may also include literal strings.
    Unit Regex Enter the regular expression to capture values from the Unit. This field is required. The regular expression can use numbered captured groups (e.g. $1) to reference elements matched, but may also include literal strings.
    Unit Mapping Specify the value that the unit mapping will be set to. The regular expression can use numbered captured groups (e.g. $1) to reference elements matched, but may also include literal strings.
    Room Regex Enter the regular expression to capture values from the rooms. This field is required. The regular expression can use numbered captured groups (e.g. $1) to reference elements matched, but may also include literal strings.
    Room Mapping Specify the value that the room mapping will be set to. The regular expression can use numbered captured groups (e.g. $1) to reference elements matched, but may also include literal strings.
    Bed Regex Enter the regular expression to capture values from the bed. This field is required. The regular expression can use numbered captured groups (e.g. $1) to reference elements matched, but may also include literal strings.
    Bed Mapping Specify the value that the bed mapping will be set to. The regular expression can use numbered captured groups (e.g. $1) to reference elements matched, but may also include literal strings.
  9. Select one of the available options to exit the adapter configuration page. See Saving an Adapter for details.