Understanding a Vocera Assignment Manager Adapter Configuration

Configure a Vocera Assignment Manager Adapter to allow communication between the staff scheduling system, and the Vocera Platform.

Adapters send and receive information from the Vocera Platform, as well as monitor and collect data. Each adapter is configured to allow the Vocera Platform to communicate with a specific type of resource and any devices that resource may control.

The Vocera Assignment Manager Adapter enables staff assignment and staff scheduling systems that require additional types of management to have accurate assignment information. These systems may use a different model for their assignment data, or they may provide the assignment data with start and end dates (including future data) and therefore need Vocera Platform to manage the state transitions.

For assignment systems that do not notify Vocera Platform with the state changes, the Vocera Assignment Manager Adapter provides automated updating of assignment state by using defined conditions for marking assignments as started and ended when the assignment system provides the future start and end dates. Assignments that are patient-centric (as opposed to Vocera Platform's location-centric model) are managed by updating assignment data as key patient data changes (bed and status). A link attribute allows assignment data updates between the Assignments and Patients datasets.

The Vocera Assignment Manager Adapter performs the following functions:

In the figure below, installers can see how information and data is communicated between systems.